
Is a nuclear war likely?

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  1. I hope not but if we were hit we problably would never know about it either.

  2. A good website to keep up with daily war news is:

  3. NO!

  4. No! Highly unlikely, rather impossible. In this case Iran is NOT dumb that they'll be waiting forward to their own annihilation. It is said that NW deterred US & Russia going to war against each other.

    “I assure you that there won’t be any war in the future,” Ahmadinejad told a news conference during a visit to Malaysia for a summit of developing Muslim nations. But he predicted Israel’s “regime” would collapse without the need for any Iranian action.

  5. "Throughout the history of the “Doomsday Clock” it has moved closer to midnight and farther away depending upon the [tensions within] the world at that time.  As of January 17, 2007, the clock stands at 5 minutes to midnight because of "the perils of 27,000 nuclear weapons, 2000 of them ready to launch within minutes; and the destruction of human habitats from climate change." (wiki)

    Given the above one would conclude that Nuclear War is likely.  However, that does not seem to be the case.  Although there is a proliferation of nuclear weapons, the possibility of an all out nuclear exchange is highly suspect as it is no longer good business to eliminate your trading partner.  Especially if that partner has access to a limited resource that your country needs either for its own consumption or for barter with another entity.

    The probability of a limited nuclear attack, however, is high.  Such an ignition would destroy, and thereby render useless, some of the most sought after property on the planet, e.g., farm land, tourist land, or oil producing land.  Given that the middle east has limited access to farmland, it is unlikely that a nuclear war involving such would occur.  Especially in that area of the world.  [They have no long range delivery technology at this point in time, i.e., 2000 miles is not long range.] Additionally, no oil producing country would wish to see their oil fields made off limits by the contamination of residue radiation.  Such an eventuality would benefit no one. [The likelihood of the use of dirty bombs to irradiate the oil fields is highly unlikely.]  A strike into a tourist area would be the most likely occurrence.  Such an approach, however, would result in a precise response upon the offender.  Leaving it on the periphery of existence for 50 + years.

    But, overall---nuclear war will not happen.

  6. i hope so... that'd be pretty cool wouldnt it?

  7. Iran, doesn't have a nuke, YET

  8. Sadly, the likelihood of nuclear conflict is increasing each day that Iran is allowed to continue with Uranium enrichment. They have vowed to "wipe Israel from the face of the Earth", and their under their religion, the Iranians believe in glory after death. This would make us in the West believe that they believe they have nothing to lose by entering into a nuclear confrontation, making such an event more likely.

    Let us hope that the Iranians follow the North Koreans in abandoning the nuclear ambitions before they actually aquire a nuclear weapon.

    God help us all!

  9. Of course it is, we live with the threat every day, but we feel comforted because we think (US &UK) we have the greater firepower, but, we have come to realise that this is not true.

    Maybe Iran does have nuclear weapons, then again maybe not, maybe they are so scared that they are calling our bluff ?

    I think I will move to the Rep of Ireland - I was talking to a cousin of mine a while ago and they told me that quite a while back they recieved from the government Iodine tablets - in the case of nuclear fallout.

    I didn't get any - did anyone else ? and I live in a country with nuclear armaments !! - smart cookies the Irish.

  10. No.Far more is at stake than would be benefited from a nuclear strike.

  11. God help us all if it dose!

  12. No, I don't really think so.  I hope that common sense will prevail and that they will be used only as a deterant or as a status symbol.

    However, there has never been a weapon invented that hasn't been used, and the US didn't have many qualms about dropping two on Japan so who knows what humans are capable of ultimately.

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