
Is a parking ticket legally binding if u drive off without it being stuck on ur car.. she had it in her hand??

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Is a parking ticket legally binding if u drive off without it being stuck on ur car.. she had it in her hand??




  1. Current legislation permits you to avoid a ticket, if not affixed to your vehicle, before you drive off, this is changing, and will shortly be no longer valid, but you can avoid it if you can prove, that the "no parking  signs were not evident, (i.e. the road ,markings were obscured, or missing, and a sign was blocked by another vehicle, a van for instance,  or the warden was not in uniform, (i.e. not wearing a hat is enough). but in future, roadside cameras will be enough to convict, and anyone who parks illegaly will have to challenge the date of a camera, film records, or the date of a ticket issued, or failure to sign it properly, but you may just get away with it if you respond fast, because the date of change, is this month !!!

  2. afraid so. They take your reg. number and sometimes even photos before they put the ticket on your car in case you do drive away.

  3. Should of driven over the ticket n**i, then their would be no doubt.

  4. not at all!  they have to physically put the ticket on your car for it to be binding, beleive me, it happened to me!

  5. If you are in the UK......

    do not listen to the silly, uninformed answers above

    This depends on who it is issuing the ticket.

    If it is a council parking attendant then, to be valid, the ticket must be either handed to the driver or fixed to the vehicle. If you subsequently get a Notice to Owner you should write to the issuing council, explaining the situation, and ask for it to be cancelled. If they will not cancel it then appeal. Although the adjudication services do not categorise types of appeal anecdotal evidence suggests that between a third and a half of all appeals are for this reason.

    However, if you return to find a police officer or traffic warden in the process of issuing a ticket then, if you drive off, the ticket can be sent to you as they enforce under different legislation.

    ------ and to the guy who said - you should always park legally.... what planet are you from?

  6. if you drove off yes you can still be fined and in some cases prosecuted for driving off as a traffic warden is a representative of the law and you ignored her requests to wait which from experience she would of told you to wait and take the ticket i presume.

  7. Yes, your vehicle details will have already been logged on the system.

    My sister tried this, and she received the fine + expenses through the post.

  8. yes, she will have already taken down ur reg number, you will prob recieve it through the post in the next few days.

  9. If the warden handed it to you then it is valid.

  10. Yes - otherwise you could pretend that a ticket stuck on your windscreen had disappeared.

    She's noted the registration and you'll get a ticket and maybe even a warning for obstructing a traffic warden if she can prove it.

  11. Yep.

  12. Yes, and on top of that, when you get it in the mail, don't be surprised to find a second citation for "Leaving The Scene."

  13. If she had all of your information down, they will enter it into the system and you will get it in the mail.

  14. If you drove off while the meter maid or officer was writing out the ticket, you can bet on getting the citation in the mail.  There may even be an extra fine tacked on for driving off.

  15. Yessur! We are all 'up tight' about parking fines but in this case you must blame the power of the computer! You have one and no doubt accept the benefits of it. Then there's the 'downside', as you know. The authorities have the damned cheek to use them too!

    Your vehicle details will have been logged instantly and you will receive the fine and possibly an extra one for 'driving away'. You might have some difficulty in proving that the ticket was not affixed to your windscreen or handed to you.

    You could always go to court with your indignation and present your evidence, then be found guilty and be fined even more. That's the way it works, I am afraid, unless you can afford a clever lawyer who will cost you 'bucket-loads'.

    Why not 'fess up'? (You see I am up to date with the latest tripe - well, from a year or so ago.) You knew all of this full well. I have no sympathy, unless it happens to me!

    Don't worry, long-term, though. Traffic wardens will soon be a thing of the past as everything you do, whether in your car, outside your car, or anywhere else, will be recorded and you can be sure that there will be an offence for which you can be fined directly - on your door mat, so to speak.

    I feel sorry for people in the future who will no longer have the luxury of yelling and swearing at Wardens. It always seems to be the same - 'I was only there for a minute.' 'I am an exception. I drive a 4 x 4'.  'My wife is pregnant.'

    Write, a funny book, sir, and get your money back!

  16. not any more, this used to be the case but the law changed a while ago

  17. NO ! The Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) must either be AFFIXED TO VEHICLE (ATV) or HANDED TO DRIVER (HTD) ! If this has NOT been DONE then the PCN has not  been 'SERVED' !

  18. Apparently not, My partner almost received a parking ticket recently, after gettin chummy with the warden he revealed that theyre only valid once theyre on the windowscreen!! Gd luck

  19. yes-if the driver of the vehicle is present it can be handed to them-if not present it gets stuck on the windscreen.

  20. Not sure where you are...its a big world...but here in NYC, if the driver is present, the ticket agent must ask for ID to personally serve the summons. There is even a box to check.

    In reality though, she will just issue it and you will eventually get a late notice in the mail plus late fees.

    You will then have to take a day off to fight it. Odds are you will lose. To use the I was there defense, you will have to admit driving off, sure to p**s off the judge.

    So, you will be found guilty. You will lose a days pay to fight it, plus the original summons, plus late fees.

    But, you sure showed them, Huh Einstein?

  21. yes it will come in the post

  22. yes it is and theres only 1 way to make sure you dont get a ticket - and thats parkl legally.

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