
Is a passport required?

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for a canadain to enter the U S if we are driving? what forms of id will we require to go and to come back to canada? how much stuff can we buy if we stay 24 hours




  1. Yes, a passport is required.

    When you return to Canada there are limits on what you can bring back without paying duty:

    After 24 hr absence...C$50 of goods, No Tobacco and Liquor

    After 48 hr absence...C$200 of goods, Tobacco...200 Cigarettes and 50 Cigars, Liquor....40 oz. (1.14 Litres)

    After 7 days absence...C$750 of goods, Tobacco...200 Cigarettes and 50 Cigars and 200g of Tobacco, Liquor....1.14 litres of liquor or 1.5 litres of wine

    If you bring back more than the limits, they may ask you to pay duty - especially on alcohol and tobacco. Sometimes they let you go though. The limits are per person.

  2. Yes, a passport IS required because you are entering the USA regardless of any way. Since of Jan 1st 2008 you have had to. Flying, driving even walking you need to use a passport. And you can buy as much as you want just as long as it fits and you use american dollars.

  3. well im a crazy border crosser, and there is really no limit to how much you spend and how much you buy as long as you are buying leagal stuff.

    The proper ID is either your passport or drivers liscense and health card. But the health card option is only valid if you are of age to have your picture on it. Passport is the easiest thing to do. Also remember how much you spend when you are in the other country because they will ask you how much you spent.

    hope i helped!

  4. Passport required. No limit to amount of buying. May require Visa but rarely.

  5. Passports from Canada to US are mandatory, however, you can apply online.  Go to, Passport Canada's website.  You can apply there and only have to go to your local Vital Statistics Office or Town Hall pending on where you live, to pick it up, it takes a few days, or you can wait.  All the info you need is on the Canadian Passport site.  There is a fee for a quick passport/snail mail passport.  Either way, there is a wait for it to arrive.  I am sorry I do not know what you are aloud to purchase in 24hrs.  If you look on the same site it may tell you. Good Luck

  6. Presently a passport is not required for travel to the US unless you are flying.  Current regulations for travel are as follows:

    By Air:  A Valid Passport

    By Land:  A valid passport, OR, an official birth certificate and a government issued photo ID such as a driver's license.  Children under are only required to have a birth certificate.

    By Sea:  Same as for land.

    Effective sometime after June 1, 2009 a passport will be required for all travel to the US.  This is subject to change and alternative forms of ID may be acceptable based upon testing currently in progress.

    While you are not limited as to the amount purchased there is a limit as to the amount you can bring in duty free.  Any items over these amounts are subject to duty.  Also for alcohol and tobacco products you must be of legal age in Canada for the province you are entering.  The limits are not always enforced, it is up to the individual customs agent if the amount is just slightly over your limit.

    The amounts are as follows:

    Residents returning to Canada:

    After 24 hr absence...C$50 (if you exceed this you cannot claim it, you must pay duty on the full amount)

    --No Tobacco and Liquor

    After 48 hr absence...C$400 (you must pay duty on amounts over this)

    Tobacco...200 Cigarettes and 50 Cigars

    Liquor....40 oz. (1.14 Litres)

    After 7 days absence...C$750 (you must pay duty on amounts over this)

    Tobacco...200 Cigarettes and 50 Cigars and 200g of Tobacco

    Liquor....1.14 litres of liquor or 1.5 litres of wine

    (since I don't smoke and never purchase tobacco products I am not sure of those limits)  I have included a link to Canada Customs which gives details on what you can bring and how you are limited.

  7. IF you are a Canadian citizen you do not, not not, not repeat NOT require a passport to enter the USA if travelling by car or ship.  If travelling by air (that would be flying in an airplane) you do need a passport.  At land crossings you need proof of citizenship (ie:  birth certificate) and photo ID (ie:  driver's licence)  In June 2009, unless things change, THEN and NOT UNTIL then will you require a valid passport to enter the USA via any mode of travel.  The link below will give you the amounts you may bring back duty free.  (24 hours is $50 max, no alcohol or tobacco)

  8. You don't need a passport YET if you are driving, but it's a good idea. You do need photo ID - a driver's license should suffice.

    And you can't buy much (duty-free) if you are only staying 24 hours. I mean, you can buy as much as you want to, but you may end up paying a lot of duty on it when you come back.

    Check out

  9. Yes a passport is required to cross the border, but if you do not have one, a birth certificate (original) along with a drivers license is acceptable.  You can buy as much as you want, you just have to declare it and pay tax coming back.

  10. yes - a passport is now needed.

    just your passport

    & m not sure, sorry.

  11. Those idiots will want you to be bristling with ID before they let you into their toilet of a country - if you and your crowd don't go with the right ID, they'll probably put you on a rendition flight to Guantanamo - but look on the bright side you'll all get to wear one of those brightly coloured fluorescent orange boilersuits and be wheeled around on trolleys (albeit in tight fitting hand & ankle cuffs) - far more fun that going to the Kindergarten Colony don't you think?!!!

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