
Is a pediatrician hard to become?

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I really want to be a pediatrician, but my sister keeps saying that I probably won't make it, so please answer if you happen to know the answer. Thank you very much.




  1. Do you like biology and math and are you good at dealing with people? Then you might make a fine pediatrician one day.

    Take as many science courses as you can in grades 9-12 along with the other required courses and AP/advanced courses in high school. Also psychology/sociology and learn from your English class how to research and write well.

    Apply to the best colleges you can for your undergraduate work in biology or biochemistry or pre-medicine if they have it. Do your best there along with some service-oriented extra curricular activities then study for the MCAT for admission to medical school.

    Hopefully your education will have prepared you well for the MCAT. That will help determine your chances at any particular medical school. Then you start the application process again. Medical school is four years of classes and professional experience in medical clinics and hospitals and research facilities etc.

    After that you work in a hospital or clinic as a pediatric resident for 1-3 years -- then you finally are ready to go into private practice or hospital care as a pediatrician.

    Best of luck!

  2. You have thought of it... YOU CAN BECOME!  Whatever your mind has conceived, you can achieve!

    Your sister doesn't know you... not at all, so don't  listen to her.  If she has any real knowledge of who you are, she would have known that you have the desire for it, which translates into pursuing it.  

    Listen to your desires and write down a plan, listing all the steps to get you there.  Even the most difficult subject tends to less demanding if it's part of a bigger plan. (I used to hate statistics all through college until I realized that it was part of my everyday worklife while undertaking my Masters.  That was when I was able to do it without grumbling, and with a deeper understanding.)

    You will suprise her in a few years when you start your Housemanship! I can see you there.


    Good luck!

  3. A pediatrician is a doctor, you will go through the same basic training as all other doctors, followed up by specialized training in pediatrics. It is neither hard nor easy.

    You will need to have a great understanding of science. It is never too early to start taking extra sciences courses, such as now during the summer. Take as many as you can, and work as hard as you can. It will all matter.

  4. It's a lot of work to become any kind of doctor, and you have to be good with science and willing to study very hard. But it sounds like you have a lot of motivation, which is a great beginning. Try taking science courses and see how you like them, and think about whether you want to do more of that kind of work. (You may also want to keep in mind that there are many health careers in which people work with children in addition to being a pediatrician.)

    And don't listen to someone else's negativity! :)

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