
Is a pet fish a good idea for a 8 year old boy ?

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My girlfriend wants to reward her son for being a good kid lately. She wants to get him a fish in a bowl in his room. So he can start to learn responsibilities. He will have to learn the feeding times and cleaning the bowl. I think its to soon for this. He is just starting the 3rd grade and has enough to focus on. But thats my point of view. I think the fish thing is a good idea...just not now. Maybe fo the 4th grade.




  1. Maybe. But only if he's responsible enough for feeding it. Although it is a pet that kids can get "bored" eaisly with. So I would suggest somthing more playful like a rabbit.  

  2. well if the kid is responcible the yes if not then no , get him one but don't let him have full responcibility don't put it in his room and just let him help clean the bowl , and put him in charge of feeding but do it urself if he forgets , fish arn't hard to look after easier than any other pet i can fink ov but also another idea using the sme guidlines is a hamster as fish tend to become boring wiv a capital b after a while so id go wiv a hamster but its up 2 u and ur g.f  realy good luk hope i helped x-stephany-x

  3. yes or a hamster is good too or a turtle  

  4. As long as he's not too sensitive, considering that it probably won't live very long.  But then again you can always replace it.  I don't see anything wrong with it.

  5. only a fish. any other pet would be to hard. like a hamster. got to change bedding, feed it a lot, give it water, its loud. a fish would be good. there really easy to raise. you only feed it twice a day. itll make him really happy.  

  6. I think that 8 is probably a good age- although Mom will still need to help out some.  (But FYI, a fish bowl is not a good idea- much too small.  Suggest that she go with a 10 gallon aquarium instead.)

  7. no well i dont think so any way get a DOG, OR A CAT IT IS BETTER AND WILL  LIVE LONGER

  8. Well, if the kid genuinely wants the pet, then why not? =)

    She may have to prompt him to feed it sometimes, so that he doesn't forget, but I don't think that 8 is too young, unless he is immature for his age.

    Any kind of small animal would probably do fine though, in that case.

  9. how about somethig along those lines but more fun like a hermit crad or sea snails

  10. Yes. Other than I know a typical 8 year old wants to touch and hold pets.

    Reptiles are pretty low maintenance.  I think a snake or turtle would be a good pet.

    Depends a lot on what the kid it in to.

    He is not to young to learn responsibility and a low maintenance pet is the best way to start.

    Good luck.

  11. I had 3 cats and a bird when I was in pre-school! A fish is the smallest responsibility I can think of! I think it would be perfectly fine! but maybe in the family room until he knows how much, and when to feed it so that nothing bad happens.

    Juat make sure she dosent  get one of thoes 12 cent goldfish! They die within a week, and can traumatize the boy! Get maybe 2 or 3 black/dalmation mollies. They are wonderful fish to watch, and live quite a while! Or maybe even take him to pick it out!

    But a fish should be fine!  

  12. If he's shown he can be responsible then he should be able to have a fish. If he can't remember things like clearing his plate from the table or picking up his room then he might forget to feed the fish though. As long as she supervises the feeding and assists with the cleaning (it's a big job for a kid and water can be heavy) then the fish should be healthy enough.

    It's also important that he knows not to play with the water in the tank. If he can't grasp this then he either needs to not have a fish or the tank needs to be kept high up in a public area, like the living room or kitchen. It should also be stressed not to put anything in the tank without asking an adult if it's okay first. My little brother decided his first fish was dirty and needed a bath like the dog. The fish didn't survive the soap.

    I'd advise your friend to get a tank though, not a bowl. A bowl is really too small for most fish. They don't have enough room to swim and the water gets dirty very quickly, especially if there isn't a filter. She should also ask the workers at the pet store what kind of fish is good for a young child and is a bit on the hardier side. A beta might be a good choice. Her son might be more enthusiastic about caring for the fish if he picks it out himself rather than getting it as a surprise gift.

  13. No. Especially in a bowl. The fish will die pretty fast. That's how the salespeople at the store get you. Tell you a goldfish can live in a fish bowl just fine and then fish will end up choking on it's own waste to death. A single goldfish requires a 20-30 gallon tank at minimum with a filter, weekly water changes and gravel vacs to maintain high water quality. Fish  are rather difficult in all reality to maintain, you have to keep their environment in control. So if you think the kid is ready to handle gravel vacing a tank, measuring out water conditioner, and putting water back in a 20-30 gallon tank than sure.  

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