
Is a planet still angular if it conjuncts one the angles from a non angular house?

by Guest32704  |  earlier

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For instance if a planet is in the 12th conjuncting ascendant or in the 6th conjuncting descendant.

Do these aspects make the planet more important than say a planet in the 1st not conjuncting ascendant?




  1. Hi there:)

    Yes, a planet conjuncting an angle from the previous house is still considered to be angular, and is interpreted as being in not only the house in which it resides, but also in the angular house.

    I don't know that I'd neccessarily call that particular planet more "important", but obviously it's going to be interpreted differently. A planet which is in the first house expresses itself naturally through the first house. A planet which is in the 12th but conjunct the ascendant expresses itself through the 12th house, but also "wants" (for lack of a better word) to be expressed through the first, it's kind of "reaching" for that angular house. As such, the individual may find expressing that planet a little more stressful and difficult. They may not be comfortable with the planet as it's naturally expressed in the preceeding house, preferring or "wishing" to express that energy through the angular house instead.

    That's my take on it, anyhow.

    EDIT: Excellent. Good luck:)

  2. Yes they become more important.!!!

  3. I wouldn't consider the planet angular unless it was IN an angular house.  Now, as far as importance, sure, if it is within 3 degrees either side of the angle, that does have bearing on its interpretation.  I have Venus in Libra in the 12th house at 6 degrees my ascendant is 7 degrees, so, Venus certainly colors my personality or how I project my image, but...I feel if it were in the FIRST house conjunct my ascendant I would be more likely VISIBLE in how Venus in Libra is interpreted.

  4. I agree with r_a73. If it's within 3 degrees of an angle but in another house, It's still considered angular, and manifests more in the angular house.

    Edit: Hey r_a ;), what's up?

    edit 2: just doing some job searching, and making some phone calls. takin care of business really.

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