
Is a policy of smoke free buildings a good or bad idea.?

by  |  earlier

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I have to write an essay on that question and im having a few problems thinking about what to write. I'm also having problems on thinking of a thesis statement. So if yall have any ideas for me please, please let me know lol im desperate.




  1. Well since this is under universities and higher education... I'm sorta assuming your talking about dorms. I wouldn't want to stay in a building with smoke...  

  2. Good, in my opinion.  People should never have to breathe in and be subjected to someone else's destructive behaviour.  Being an asthmatic, I get very irritated when people think it's "acceptable" to just light up around me, especially if it's indoors.  What people do to harm their bodies is their problem and they shouldn't be allowed to throw it on the rest of the world.  You don't see meth addicts shooting up in the supermarket, do you?  Well, why should smokers be allowed to light up indoors?

  3. Smoke free buildings are the greatest buildings.  I live in Illinois and as of last January all of our buildings are now smokefree.  It is wonderful not to breathe in stale second hand smoke.  It is easier on the maintenance crew as well.  No more cigs on the floor and ash trays to dump.  

  4. They are a good idea. If people want to smoke that is up to them, but they do not have the right to force their habit on other people. Smoke free buildings don't infringe on the right of the smoker, they protect the rights of the non smokers.

    I have a right to breathe in clean air. I have a right not to have to smell the disgusting smell that comes off of cigarettes. I also have the right as an asthmatic not to have my health put at risk because someone wants to fuel their addiction.

    A smoker does not know who is and who is not asthmatic so they do not know who they are putting at risk.

    Smoke free buildings actually protects smokers from offending people and putting people at risk. It works best for the non-smokers and the smokers.

    Implementing smoke free policies may also encourage individuals to give up their smoking eg- if pubs go smoke free (as they are in Australia) people are forced to reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke which is beneficial to their health and may even encourage them to give up.

    My personal opinion: Smokers suck.

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