
Is a poor life better?

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does living the simple life without beer and exspensive stuff make you happier than a life with extra income?




  1. I've been poor and the answer is NOOOOOOOOO!

    Being poor is very stressful!

    People expect you to pay for things like food and shelter, and when you ain't got the dosh its not a funny situation at all.

  2. I think it can be, if you have a philosophical attitude. Being excessively rich certainly seems to drive people into neurosis. Maybe what we need is a happy medium.

  3. It has been proven that living with little makes you more happy than living with much.  (Beer.  hahaha!!)

  4. yes ,perhaps  ...  your  better  of  financially  and  healthier  ,no  beer  ,no  cigs,  have  to  walk  ,think  about  Wat  your  going  to  eat  ,all  adds  up  to  a  healthier  lifestyle  must  practise  what  I  preach  ...think  I  must

  5. having money doesn't make you happy, but being poor is pretty sh*t !

  6. If i've got love then yes.

    If im rich and also have love then yes, but otherwise then no.

    Everyones got something they want, and wants cost unfortunately.

  7. being rich is stressful too its all relative, i think you have a better standard of life when rich but if you are truly unhappy inside no amount of money can solve issues.

    Being poor you have other worries like wheres the food rather than my boyfriends not being nice to me or whatever.

    I think luxuries are appreciated in moderation by the rich and the poor, but its when there is excessiveness in life that we become greedy and more mean, and i sometimes like working hard for something and having something less often makes you happier than just having something given to you on a plate

  8. No it's not easier.  You've actually got more to worry about.

    That's why so many homeless people seem nutty.  They have so much to worry about they go crazy.  Eventually all they care about is surviving from day to day.  As tragic as it may seem, if you were to put someone who has it all in their place they wouldn't survive for long.  If you reverse the situation, how quickly they adapt and forget where they once were.  


  9. You can lead a simple life or luxurious way based on your habits. If you control your luxuries it will be useful when you become poor. A control is always good. Simplicity leads to no tension life.

  10. often it does, i reckon its quite a bit harder to be happy when you are juggling more wealth and responsibilities

  11. extra money isnt bad but i would rather start from nothing to something..  average is better than poor..

  12. Well under new labour a lot of people are finding out! They do not seem to be to happy about it though!

  13. Who was that famous artist who said, I think Pikaso or Goja: I want to be rich, but to live like poor.

  14. In some ways it does but it could also make you sad because you want something but cannot get it. The best way to be is to be middle-class because that way you are not poor or rich.

    Being poor can have its disadvantages because you cannot buy nice clothes, so you could get bullied.

    Being rich can also be a problem because you can end up being spoilt.

    Hope this answered your question!!!

  15. I think so.  It keeps me grounded.  Keeps me in touch with the people.  Keeps me focused on my soul's progression.  But why can't I have beer? That's cheap enough.  Free if you're hot.

  16. absolutely not, when you have been poor, no money for even a decent meal then anything is better than that.  Its only when greed over takes your life, the accumulation of more and more wealth does it become absurd, especially if it is done of the backs of others misery and degradation.

  17. Mmm, mixed sentiments here - keeping up with the Jones' all the time is a stress and pressure in itself. If you can get to a mood of not caring what others' think, you can still live an ok life with less money. But, what I don't like is the way Govts MAKE people poor; coercion is a different thing entirely !

  18. doubt watching every one else drinking beer and having nice things would make me happier .  id rather be a part of the good life .

  19. Not a poor life but a simple life is better.

    Having an extra income isn't bad if you will just used that income wisely & use it to help those who can't afford to buy their foods & clothing. Donate your extra income to charities & live that simple life.

  20. Yes I would say a "poor" life is better, but only on the condition that you are free and get the basics by your own means, on your own terms. Otherwise being poor sucks because you have to report to some w****r for work every day just to get food, water, and shelter. You can't afford to drink your sorrows away either.

  21. the average incomer is more better. i think the branded thing is nothing if u r unhealthy but if u r so poor u can not live because it is stressful but the better is being average.

  22. If your life of beer and toys makes you happy and at the end of the day you arent still trying to fill some great hole in your life then no. You got it as good as its gonna get for you.

    However, if the beer and the toys leave you looking for something else at the end of the day than maybe not. Perhaps is not the fact that you have extra cash but the way that you are using your cash.

    Instead of buying beer try buying the homeless food. Instead of buying a new car try buying your local womans shelter some babies clothes and diapers.

    God Bless

  23. Struggling to pay the bills, not knowing if you are gonna have to leave your house and seeing people in your family worried and crying is never better.

    The rich have it easier, that's why the b******s hang on to every penny they've got.
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