
Is a pretty girl that likes baseball and actually KNOWS baseball, a gift from God?

by  |  earlier

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I mean a girl that actually understands the game (like Greta) and knows things. Not just some bandwagon jumper or fair-weather fan.




  1. I married someone of that description.

  2. yes we should be considered that

    and Greta isn't the only 1 but she does know the game VERY well

    I wish ppl wouldn't think we're just in it 4 the hot players cuz I know I'm not, I just luv watching and commenting on it here its just such a great sport

    I also like watching basketball (go WARRIORS!!)

  3. well, i dunno if i'm that pretty but i do like/understand baseball :)

    gift from god? mmm haha that's funny... well if you think we are then that's fine with me. Its tough being a female sports fan

    I want a cute guy who's into baseball <3

  4. like my wife !!!!

  5. Yes. Especially if she likes football too.

  6. yea probably... all the chicks at my school couldnt care less. In fact i dont think ive ever met a girl that actually cares about baseball.

  7. Well for me its Hotter Guys who know Baseball LIL

    and your hitting on Greta Lil arent you Lil

    As a Baseball Fan its hard to be that but i love it when i prove the guys wrong, and well  most girls dont up their Avatar because like myself i would get in h**l of trouble if i did trsut me

  8. Would you be hitting on anyone in particular? *Cough Cough*

    Where I live, there are a whole bunch of girls like that

    And you KNOW they aren't bandwagoners because our team stinks

  9. I would think so.Not to toot my own horn or anything like that, but there's VERY few girls that actually like baseball and will watch the whole game with excitement.Im glad i am one of those few girls though because i love Baseball and respect everything about it.I just recently this year around mid-May started really watching it, and one got me into it and im learning a whole lot all on my own about this beauty of a game.I am a Dodgers Fan and i will always will be.I was one before Manny Ramirez and i definitely can be one without him,as great as he is.Oh and if i was a bandwagonner i would actually root for the Angels considering that I live in the OC and this is pretty much Angels-Land.

    P.S. Its so much fun when you outsmart a guy at baseball.It happens often and i never get tired of it :)

  10. Nah. A gift from God is a long-haired, bearded fellow who is completely perfect and physically dies so we may spiritually live.

    But great female baseball fans are nice, too.

  11. oh h**l yea!!!

  12. Hey, I think I'm pretty and I love baseball AND football AND basketball(and I actually understand it, and I'm not a bandwagon jumper or fair-weather fan)...Wow, am I a good catch or what? I just have to find the perfect guy to share my interests with...

  13. I think I fit that description nicely. :)

  14. no

  15. Yes sir


  16. i play and know the game!

  17. then im a gift from god =]  

  18. Absolutely!!!! It doesn't get any better!!!

  19. if its u marrry me

  20. Then that would mean I'm a gift from god. Mrs. Jeter just likes to think she is but sometimes I think shes just a troll.

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