
Is a principal or techer allowed to go thru confiscated items?

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math class, we re doing an activity on numbers, i didnt know we couldnt use our calculators(were not aloowed to use moblies,blablabla), i used the calculator on my mobile and i didnt know it wasnt allowed,. the teacher confiscated it. (completely reasonable)

i had a few p**n clips on my mobile,(im a guy, im nearly 14) and two hours later the year leader wants to have a word with me, she says : they found p**n on my mobile.

i cannot believe they went throuhg my mobile,... that is not allowed without permission of parents and is like if i looked thru somones mail. i dont think they shoulda gon thru it(not reasonable) now im in trouble because someone nosy enough found that. not even my own parents go tru my mobile. (im in europe, just in case laws change)




  1. In the US, it is called an invasion of privacy.  It is acceptable for them to confiscate, but not go through it.

  2. i'm a teacher and what your teacher and principal did was absolutely wrong.  they had no cause for looking into your phone.  i would have my parents contact the school a.s.a.p!

  3. A teacher or principal are in charge of what goes on inside the school, but I really don't think they should have gone through your personal property unless they had some sort of a good explanation (such as if your screensaver has a photo of a nude woman or something that is inappropriate).  

    I'm sure the school may have contacted your parents about the p**n on your phone.  What, if anything, did they say?  Did you express to them what you are posting here in your defense?

    I, personally, am on your side and would have objected to the way the matter was handled and I think, regardless of how your parents feel (whether they feel that you having the p**n clips on your phone is ok or not), they have a right to take your side and tell that principal and teacher that what they did was WRONG.

  4. You're not supposed to have p**n at school.  It doesn't matter if it's in your backpack, locker, or phone.

    Also, you're not allowed to use a phone.  They take it.  They can look at it.  You know you're not supposed to use it in school.

    I'm in the U. S.  Perhaps things are different there.  Here, if you're my son and 13 (nearly 14--whatever), I'm going through the phone.  How could you even buy it?  Isn't that illegal there?

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