
Is a psychic vampire the same thing as a party pooper?

by Guest44954  |  earlier

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Is this "psychic vampire" idea something invented by the goth kids?

Is anyone with a critical opinion of anything--regardless of how ridiculous it is--a psychic vampire?

Am I a psychic vampire if I poo-poo the idea of a flat Earth?




  1. As an old school gothboy, I take offense to your post. ;) j/k

    I think the concept of a psychic vampire was invented by the Church of Satan (or temple of set, I'm not sure if there's a difference or not).

    Anyway, there was a group back in the '90s in Lacey, WA (not terribly far from Seattle) that used to advertise that they'd train people to be vampires (through the mail, no less). It was so idiotic, I just HAD to send these wankers an SASE. Turned out they were CoS and would train people (for $$$) to drain energy from the unsuspecting masses.

    Hours of laughter, all for the price of two stamps!

    So, yeah, that was the first I'd ever heard of it.

  2. A psychic vampire is just a very negative person, who drains the "energy" out of those around him/her. I think the idea came from the guy who wrote the satanic bible.

  3. No. A psychic vampire does not exist. It is made up. Folklore.

  4. You know, there is a lot of phychology behind your question. I am reminded of younger days, I used to play blackjack at the casino. Have you ever seen the movie "The Cooler" with William Macy? That type of thing is real. Maybe not in the extreme sense that the movie depicts, but a change in mood at the table would change the flow of money. Everyone would be winning and happy, and then something could happen, change of dealers, a fight, and suddenly the table would go sour.

    At first, I thought I was just coincidence, but after observing this happening too many times, I realized that changing the mood at the table changes the way people play. People making sound judgements and winning, would turn to making emotional judgements and in blackjack that means losing.

    I don't know if thats the same thing. But certainly along the lines. Put an overly depressed person into a room, or have a group of people witness a fight, and their mood will change to the anger or sadness. Suddenly routine emotionless tasks become more difficult.

  5. I am!!!

  6. It is a new age term. It refers to people who when you around them you do not feel good, you might feel tired or drained, they may or may not be doing this on purpose. If someone is very sad it can take  your energy.

  7. If it is, I'd rather have that label instead. It would be much cooler to be known as a vampire rather than a pooper.

  8. I may be a psychic vampire.If I'm at a boring function. I energize when someone's Goth offspring shows up.All dressed in black looking like they went face first into a pile of fishing tackle.I am feeding off that energy and having a good laugh.They are not party poopers to me.

  9. A psychic vampire would be the center of attraction, that is what they feed on. They could however become a party pooper if they don't get fed.

    Next time someone shows up at a party and all eyes are on them. You could try this yourself or wait until someone else does it. something bizarre to get the focus off the new comer and see if you don't get psychically slammed. If the newcomer is intercepted before they are fed, maybe they bought something fancy to wear or a new perfume, you could go yuck what is that. BAM

    Usually if you are in a family situation or a group situation and you walk away suddenly feeling drained, there was a vampire in the group. Not to say that they do it on purpose, most often and this is backed up in literature the vampire does not even know it is happening, ie. subconscious.

    As for the flat earth allegory, having an opinion is not being a psychic vampire, ridiculing someone for their opinion is being rude. BUT DOING SO TO GET AN EMOTIONAL REACTION ABSOLUTELY IS! The person you have just attacked does not have to be present to experience drain, just the same way you get the chuckles or a rush when you slam someone for asking a question.

    Oh, it is so cute, its just for fun, it's only words, no harm done. Bullcrap! Just as you receive enjoyment from taunting, so does your victim feel the harm, intended or not.

  10. go onto my answers and look at 1 of the vamp questions that i answered there's a link that will tell u.

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