
Is a "high" always followed by a "low"?

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When was Gordon Brown's high?




  1. For 10 years Gordon was on a low, waiting for a chance to be Prime Minister, and when the time came, he took it, (he was now really on a high), we were going to have an election,

    he was going to listen to the people, he even told us "This is a turning point for the country" how right he was, we went down hill ever since. Gordon is now back on a low,

       I don't know what that Yank Idesign is on about. He doesn't live in the UK. where our taxes, electricity, gas, petrol, and living costs are much higher than the USA.

       Americans are always looking over the pond at Britain and saying:- What a marvellous job the British Prime Minister is doing whether it was Maggie Thatcher, Tony Blair, or Gordon Brown. The funny part is, when they leave 10 Downing St, they all seem to make their way over to America

  2. Gordon Brown was one of the most successful Chancellor's and longest serving ever.   I'd call that about as high as it get's in British politics.

    Unfortunately if you are clueless then it's not surprising your ask such questions.  

    As will many things regarding World politics, the USA and its political leaders dominate most matters.  The current world crisis could be traced back to the policies and decision made by their President over the last 8 years.  This has lead to the current situation and Gordon Brown has little option but to react to events (as most countries in the world).  Like it or not when America sneezes we all caught a cold.

    To put it in a nut shell the current financial crisis is a consequence of delibrately relaxed financial regulation and lending practices in the USA.  This sucked in money from everywhere because it was a good investment, but now the bubble has burst and everyone is running for cover.  

    If Gordon Brown had been in charge of American financial policy this would not have happened.  Unfortunately he is politically far to much a left politician to ever get a job such as that.

  3. He has never had an high!

  4. I'd love to get high right now so I could forget about the mess Gordon and Tony have made of the UK.

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