
Is a "one-sided" approach to gender studies giving women an accurate read on society?

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These women tend to think not:

Ever wonder why there are no "Republican Studies" programs instead of our Poli-Sci departments?

Yup, same reason.

When you have a completely biased group of individuals that offer up political dogma...

You can't expect to get the entire picture.

Women's studies doesn't just "teach" about women. It makes broad claims about men, and society, and gender in general.

All this from a VERY biased soap box.




  1. Patriarchy bad

    Matriarchy good

  2. "Many women's-studies programs have allowed the political mission of training feminist cadres to override educational concerns. The strategies of faculty members in these programs have included policing insensitive language, championing research methods deemed congenial to women (such as qualitative over quantitative methods), and conducting classes as if they were therapy sessions"

    Professor Daphne Patai, University of Massachusetts Amherst

  3. There doesn't need to be a one-sided aproach to anything, that's what's wrong with the world! I do agree with you.

  4. Republicans read books other than Ann Coulter's psychotic rants? Who woulda thunk?

    I sure hope they read Scott McClelland's new book.

  5. No one-sided approach to anything will give an honest, balanced , correct view of anything.

  6. I do believe that Women's Studies is very one-sided, BUT the person studying this subject should be smart enough to recognize it. I'm a Women's Studies major and I've taken a couple of courses on the study of men cuz I want to know both sides of the coin. WSs' gets a bit to whinny for me and just extremely arbitrary that it's best to take it all in stride and form your own opinion. All in all, you're right.

  7. No one has done a better job of discrediting women's studies and feminism then feminists have

  8. Same thing goes on in African American studies classes.  I mean, if nobody beat the idea that these people are victims into their heads, how else are they going to learn?

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