
Is a rat a good pet?And what should i know about them .

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my neighbor downstairs has three rats and she is giving me what are some good tips and things i should know.i also have a cat and a yorkie but neither are in my room where the rat is going to go.

i need as much info as possible :) thanks




  1. First first first.. rats should not be alone.. especially since he's used to living with two others. They are extremely social and will suffer if they don't have another rat with them.

    But yes, they make wonderful pets. I have 5 boys right now, and they're the best rodents there are. They come to greet me when they hear me coming, they know their names, they never bite, and they're very playful & social.

    Their cage should be wire, not an aquarium, with at the very least 2 square feet of space per rat, and at least 2 levels. They love to climb, so another level is really necessary. They eat lab block, you can buy Mazuri lab block at Petsmart. Harland Tekland and Oxbow can be ordered online. Avoid Kaytee foods and seed mixes. Seeds should only be given sparingly, as treats. Better treats are things like Cheerios and puffed rice. They should get fresh fruits and veggies every few days/week. They need at minimum an hour out of the cage every day. They can be potty trained! That really helps when you clean their cage, which needs to be done weekly. More often if you have a small cage.

    Rats are prone to respiratory infections and tumors, so make sure to observe your rat's health and make sure he's healthy. Rats can have high vet bills. I know I've spent over $200 on just one of my boys, so you need to be prepared for that. If you can't afford vet visits, you should not get rats.

    They love places to hide, like shoe boxes with an entrance hole cut in them, toilet paper rolls, PVC pipe, climbing ladders, hanging bird toys... They don't generally care for those rolling hamster balls, and most don't like wheels. If you do get a wheel, make sure is is solid and not mesh. Rats can get their tails and feet caught in them and be injured.

    They can be wonderful, sweet pets if properly socialized and cared for. Good luck with everything!

    Those are two very good sites you should visit. The first is a forum with lots of experienced rat owners, the second is a care site with lots of info.

  2. Ewww, my advice is to make sure that it has its shots!!!

  3. I have 17 female rats and Courtney just said it all. They make awsome pets.

  4. They are wonderful pets! Just like a hamster, only most times way nicer! Just remember, plenty of  things to chew on are musts. Toilet paper tubes, sticks, cardboard, dog biscuits, etc.Our dog loves to watch the animals running around, (we have a gerbil, monitor lizard, etc.)

    They now have lots of supplies you can pick up at pet stores that are sized for rats, like those rolley ball things. Even some of the stuff they use for ferrets would work, but you can usually see what they have then go home and improvise your own, for cheapness sakes, the hammocks, toys.

    Hope this helps, they are really fun, inquizitive critters.  

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