
Is a rear-facing infant car seat safer when using the base?

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I have a Graco safeseat and was wondering does anyone know whether it is safer to actually use the base -- or is it just a convenience thing?? (Also Im not talking about it being safer because its installed correctly - if you also use the carseat without the base correctly -- is it just as safe or safer??) Im not sure how I feel about the base as it raises my son so much higher.





  1. I felt it was a lot safer with the base.  I was able to strap the base down better than I could with just the carseat by itself.

  2. I think it is safer with the base. It is also convenient, but the base allows the seat to actually lock in place, and holds it more securely.

  3. as long as the car seat is installed correctly and securely, either installation is just as safe as the other...just as using the LATCH vs. using the seat belt.  If you're not taking the seat in and out of the car, then you just have to worry about installing the car seat correctly once.  The reason for the base is the convenience of carrying your little one in the seat...the base gets installed correctly just once and then all you have to do is pop the seat in and out.  if you're going to be carrying the seat in and out without the base, it may be inconvenient and time consuming to install it every single time.

  4. As far as I know it is not safe at all to put that car seat in without the base. It should have come with a manual for it, you should look in there on what it says about not using the base, if you do not have a manual the car seat should have a phone number on it. I have a graco care seat, hear is the phone number on mine to order a new manual. Better safe then sorry, I thought it could go in without the base also, until my husband told me differently.


    The website is the government vehicle safety website, you also need to register your car seat, so if there are any recalls they can notify you.

    Also, call or go by your local Highway patrol station, they will check out your car seat and make sure you have it put in properly. We did this, and found out she was sitting up to much, which can cause her head to fall forward, which then can cut off there air suppy. Not dangerous in a car accident, but dangerous if she was like that for too long. Like I said there are lots of ways of making sure your baby is safe, better safe then sorry. Hope this helped. Good luck with your little one. =)

    Edt: The Highway Patrol also told us that the handle that you carry it by should always be in the down position while in the car, it re-enforces the carseat if there is impact. Also, the center of the vehicle in the backseat is the safest palce, in case of side impact. When you install the base, sit on it and push with all your strength to get the seatbelt as tight as possible. If your son's head is flopping from side to side, you can also roll up two recieving blankets and put one on each side to help support him, untill he gets a little bigger.

    Okay, I think that is all I have for you... =)

  5. It's not so much the base as the angle that is a need for concern. Most companies make the bases for 1) ease of use when putting the car seat in and out of car 2) helps reduce the chance of the car seat sliding about. If you were in an accident it acts more like an anchor than anything.  If you don't want to use the base, don't use it.  Just make sure the seat is at a 45 degree angle..

  6. that car seat is made to be used either way.  it is safer with the base (as long as base is properly installed) because the base is not removed from the car everyday it stays put and doesn't get loosened....

    if you use just the seat, it still protects your child, but it moves around on the seat more and is more likely to have some injurly in the event of an accident.  (prolly very minor) but if you dont get that seat TIGHT to you cars back seat then the results could end up being fatal.

    the height shouldn't make any difference.  the seat it self is around your son and as long as the straps are tight (no more then 2 fingers between him and the straps) he will not go anywhere and be inside of his cocoon compliments of graco!  if it is snapped into the base then it makes sure to direct it should it raise up off the seat of your car and keep him as cussioned as possible.  

    I just went to the safety check point of our local police for my 10 month old.  i asked about that seat (i used it till a few months ago when she out grew it -- shes a big girl!!) and the convertible i use now.  i also know what seat im going to use when i do turn her around.  I am going to wait till at least ater winter if I can, as my daughter is 1 in october. I hope this helps

  7. It is mostly a convenience thing. Some safety techs recommend using the base because it helps ensure that the seat will be properly installed each time you put it in, but as long as you are careful, it is fine. Also, there have been some recent reports of infant seats flying off their bases in accidents, so it may be that using it without the base is actually safer. But for the most part, the base is simply intended to make a parent's life a little easier.

    The Safeseat is a great car seat. I think it would be fine if you don't want to use the base.  

  8. it's the installation that makes a carseat safe!!! i had just the seat and my baby out w/ a friend in her car...i never had to think about buckling the seat in, so i just put her in the backseat and shut the door and we went on down the road like nothing...when we got out of the car i realized what i had done and felt panicked and horrible


    i would say that the base IS have to install ONE time correctly and not think or worry about it!!! but yes , the seat is safe w/o base as longs as it's installed properly

  9. I have never really felt comfortable with the seats that remove from the bases.  I know that many, many people use them with out any issue but I can't get over the idea of the seat coming free in an accident.  People couldn't believe it when was carrying a newborn in a sling at the doctors office, they actually thought I didn't have a car seat at all.  I really think it's just a convenience thing with the base, but I wouldn't say one way is safer as long as the seat fit's the vehicle properly either way.  If it fits without the base just do whatever makes you feel the most comfortable.  

  10. i think it is more conveince and safer bc you can push the base down into the seat unlike the carseat and it will hold it in place better and not move as much  

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