
Is a registered London Blue Badge guide a worthwhile vocation?

by  |  earlier

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bearing in mind the credit crunch etc!




  1. I did look at doing it myself Alan, but the competition is a little too much for my liking, it is also seasonal..........But good luck if you decide to give it a go.

  2. yes, it is a very good and can be very rewarding

  3. Trouble is many folks think getting the BB qualification makes them a accomplished guide.

    Actually it doesn't.

    If you are not able to entertain people and hold their attention, then shouting endless dates and details about long dead monarchy will not a good guide make you.

    You need to ask yourself are people really going to be interested in what you have to say. In other words more showbiz less droning on showing off your extensive knowledge. Your soon know when they start yawning.

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