
Is a reminder useful to Muslim brothers and sisters?

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i know this is a great place tto answer questions, but when answering them its important to be kind to the person. this also applies to myself by the way, but bringing it up like this is also a reminder to myself.

if a brother or sister makes a mistake the use of a: !!!!!! is used often and makes the answer seem harsh and remember our Prophet (SAW) was never harsh or impatient with anyone. He was the best amongst the creation of Adam (AS).

sometimes we can all be a little harsh with the answers and even joke or give an answer that might even offend the questioner or people who are reading them.

Our Rasoolullah (SAW) wanted Muslims to be the best of all people in everything they do in lawful terms. lets just remind ourselves.

in this sections there also might to many non-Muslims who want to learn more about Islam. as Muslims its our duty to beware of our actions. what if we give an answer or post a question that makes non Muslims drift away? we will be held accountable for it. we all need to bear this in mind.

i'm giving this as a reminder, insha'Allah, may Allah make us pious in worshipping Him.




  1. InshaAllah will def. take care of that :) ~!

  2. no its not !i

  3. I agree with you totally!

    JazakAllah for the reminder

  4. Before you left your room this morning, did you think to pray?

    Pray always, regardless of your religion - the prayers of the faithful are always answered, even if we have to wait!

  5. .

  6. Yes, it is a reminder, thank you. Alhamdouallah.

  7. Mashallah, thank you for the reminder.  It makes me happy to read something like that, jazaka allah khaira.

  8. Assalaamu alaikum Jazakallahu khairun for your advice the reminder always benefits a believer.

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