
Is a republican form of government the same as a nationalist form of government?

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NEED HELP WITH HOMEWORK!!!??? i tried to read the section on it like 1000 times but i don't understand!!!




  1. closer to a fascist form of government. Just say that all the major fascist party's of history in america now would be republicans.  

  2. Its not exactly the same.

    Republicans are basically a watered down version of National Socialism (which is on the opposite side of Socialism).

    It goes from far left to far right:

    Communist, Socialist, Democrat, Center, Republican, National Socialist (what they mean when they say Nationalist), Fascist (which also covers Nazism)

    In the case of your question, I don't believe they are asking about Republican ideas.  They are asking about a Republic.

    In a Democracy, the people vote on every issue.  Every single one that comes up, the people vote on it.

    In a Republic, the people elect Representatives that vote on every issue.  We are a Republic.  We elect a President, Senators, Representatives (House of Representatives), to represent us.  They then deal with issues as they come up; instead of every eligible voter voting on every issue.

    A Nationalist form of government is basically when there is a single leader who is in charge of everything.  Every issue that comes up, that one single leader decides what the country will do to handle it.  

    In this form of government, the leader is usually not voted in.  He usually has control by force, and maintains it through control of the armed forces of the country.

    Its a dictatorship, basically.

    And so a Nationalist Government and a Republic are not the same.  But Republicans are watered-down versions of Nationalists.  Not exactly the same or even close.

    But in a government such as ours, they tend to side more with giving more power to the President and with Governors over Congress or State Legislatures.  Democrats prefer giving more power to Congress and State Legislatures over the President and the Governors.

  3. I wish that it was but today's republican is more liberal than the republicans that we had several years ago. By the standards we have now,  JFK would be a republican

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