
Is a root canal part of the process in getting a crown?

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My dentist has recommended I get a crown on one of my teeth. I read the treatment plan after I got home from work, and it lists a core buildup and a crown for that tooth. While I was searching for information about crowns here on Yahoo Answers, I have seen a lot of questions regarding root canals and crowns as if they go hand in hand. My Dentist did not mention that I needed a root canal. Is getting a root canal normally done when a tooth gets a crown?




  1. There is a lot of misinformation on need to find out what is correct for you....that is why you should talk to YOUR dentist. You are paying him for his expertise,   If he thinks you need a root canal you will know it..

    A  core build up is just to give more support to a tooth...not necessarily needing a root canal.

  2. Hello..The fact is, getting a Root canal is not create an automatic requirement for a crown and getting a crown doesn't automatically require that a root canal be done....Both the root canal and a crown should only be done when a specific "requirement" for either procedure is specifically required...Unfortunately, like some health professionals in both medicine and dentistry, some procedures are said to be necessary for no other reason than to increase their income.....Now...while prepping a tooth for a crown and removing the decay it's found that the decay penetrated the Pulp Chamber, then it's proper to do a root canal...On the other hand, when doing a root canal and the body of the tooth is in good health, the root canal can be completed and the hole opened in the top of the tooth to do the root canal can be closed with a proper filing. Good luck and I wish you well.

  3. If you have a root canal, it's generally suggested that you get a crown over it because the tooth will die, become discolored and fragile (prone to break).

    If you don't need a root canal then there's no reason for one prior to getting a crown.

  4. If you have a root canal your tooth needs the crown because it becomes brittle and can break. A crown justt acts as a protective shield. If the nerve in the tooth is not exposed or infected your tooth will not need a RCT ( root canal) just because it has a crown.  

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