
Is a short period the kiss of death for TTC?

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When I was in my teens, I had a fairly heavy, long lasting period. Then I went on various types of birth control for the next 10 years (first the pill, then the depo shot, finally the Mirena IUD) and now that my husband and I are trying to conceive and I'm on no birth control, my periods are fairly light (I rarely get bright red bleeding, more like pink and brown) and on the short side (4 days on average). I'm wondering if this spells trouble for conception. Does my light short period mean that my uterine lining is inhospitable for an implanting embryo? Will I have an even harder time getting pregnant? Is there anything I can do about this? A medication or supplement? Has anyone in this situation gotten (and stayed) pregnant?




  1. this is more common than you think and just see a doctor about it, if they determine your lining is thin, they can give you meds to make it stronger including baby aspirin believe it or not, you can ask a fertility specialist online for free for advice and find other women going through similar situations, try

    good luck and babydust!

  2. My cycles seem almost identical to yours, this was especially so in the first two months after coming off the pill: dark brownish-red bleeding seemed to make up 80% of my period and it rarely lasted for more than 5 days. I conceived my daughter within three months of trying and was able to carry her full-term with no problems, I should think you will be fine :] Each woman has their own variant of 'normal' with regards to their period. Consult your doctor if you are concerned.

  3. LOL! I just asked this question about 5 minutes ago. I'll watch your answers. = )

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