
Is a shy 4 year old better off going to preschool w/a sibling?

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I have a 3 yr old and a 4 year old I am putting in preschool for 3 hours/2-3 days per wk. they have never been in any preschool or childcare. They are away from me for sunday school or my cousin that is our babysitter . My 4 year old is very shy and my pediatrician highly recommends preschool a few hours per wk to help ease into being away from me. At one preschool I looked at they tested my 3 yr old and said she could go to the 4 yr old class, and they would be together. (there is one other 3 yr old in that class, too) In another preschool they will not be together. Would it be better to send them together to get used to being away from me and with other kids but have each other till they get used to the idea? (one step at a time) should they go ahead and get used to the idea of being apart since they will be next year?




  1. Yes

  2. No. i have cousins who were in this situation and my aunt put them in the same class. The shy one just sat in the corner not wanting to move as his sister played with all the other playmates. Then when the next year came along and the older one moved to kindergarten, all the kids didn't want to play with him and always asked about his sister. i think your older child needs to find his place with the kids his own age and not let the younger one do it for him or her.

  3. if the younger can work  with the lder kids let them be together to ease the shy one into dealing with others

  4. I would have them in different classes, next year will be here soon then you think. It might be hard for a few days but it will get easier and then the transition to kindergarten will be much easier.

  5. as a teacher..i would separate because the more outgoing sibling will always pick up the slack and help out the shy one.  Never allowing the shy child to develop socially on their own.  As a mother...i would keep them together but only for selfish reasons cause it would make me as a parent feel better knowing they where together.

  6. I don't think it would hurt anything to put them together in the class. They'll be separated eventually as they age so this would be a nice time for them to establish a closer bond to each other.

  7. it depends on how mature your 3 year old is if  he or she can get along with other 4 year olds  then he or she will be fine but if she wants to be with the three year olds thats ok to,

    i reccomend taking her to both classes and let him or her visit both but i reccomend 1 day 3 year olds and one day four year olds so she or he can decide if they like it, also talk to both teachers and ask if she or he got along with the kids from each group that will also help you decide

  8. In my personal and professional opionion no, send your daughter to her own class.  First off, because she will be fine, she may be shy, but being alone in her class she will learn to break out of her shell more easily then if her sister was there, because her sister would become her crutch.  It may take time, but she will soon be playing with other children.  Dont be surprised though if she is just sitting back and watching the first few days, this is totally normal if she is a shy child.  

    Secondly, I say the school that will put them in seperate rooms because you DO NOT want your children in a school that deems your children smart enough or not!   ALL CHILDREN are SMART!  Each in their own way!  

    Schools that test children in this way not only put pressure on the children, but they do not get to experience what preschool is about.  EXPLORING!!!!!!!!!!   Testing at this young age is developmentally inapropriate, it should NOT be done!  For this reason alone you should take the girls to the other school.

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