
Is a steamboat bigger than a tugboat?

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Is a steamboat bigger than a tugboat?




  1. They come in all sizes. either one could be larger than the other. They have large oceangoing Tugboats that are hundreds of feet long. Steam boats are built in small launches up to (Or were built)  very large ships. Not many steam boats are built anymore except by hobbists on a small scale, (25 feet or less).

  2. Typically a tugboat is meant to be small and maneuverable, so it can control large ships through narrow channel. The steamboat is a larger vessel meant more as a ferry.

  3. Back in the day, all boats and ships, not driven by wind, or oar, were steam powered including tugboats.  Today most vessels are powered by either motor or steam or a combination of both. Diesel electric, and Nuclear powered vessels, which is a steam system, are some examples. Modern Tugboats which range in size from 40 ft. to 250 ft. are generally powered by diesel engines. Traditional steam ships still exist, but their numbers are starting to wane. I recently spoke to a chief engineer, that said he hadn't  worked on a steam plant in 20 years.

  4. It's hard to give you an exact answer, but you can say they build bigger steamships than tugboats.

    Reason is; even though steamships are fewer and fewer in between, they still build large steamships - larger than tugboats around. These steamships are mostly LNG tankers. They use cargo boil off as fuel, being burnt in boilers. (Generating steam being used in their steam turbines to power the ship.)

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