
Is a stereotype still a stereotype if its true?

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Is a stereotype still a stereotype if its true?




  1. stereotypes are a crock,you cant turn down a batch because of one bad apple.

  2. Stereotypes are usually taken from a charactor of a group and then saying everybody in that group has it.  There can be truth in people of that group having it, but that doesn't mean they will all have it.

  3. On one level of analysis, smart Asian students represent a simplification of archetypal imagery to serve the ruling class. The problem with these shining stars,  the archetypes, is that they can be stereotyped. Archetypes inspire; stereotypes squeeze the vitality from people. Once established, "stereotypes limit the range of motion," abilities and skills of the affected group. When a stereotype becomes institutionalized, for example within the American school system, the stereotype becomes the standard and is imposed on all Asian American students. Asian American students who do not fit this standard are thus penalized and may not get the extra help from a teacher who believes the stereotype.

  4. All stereotypes have a basis in truth.  Some people DO fit the stereotypical characteristics of minority groups.  Not all that many do, however; and that is what makes makes stereotyping groups socially unhealthy.

    Harleigh Kyson Jr.

  5. yes because there are always exceptions and no one likes to be judged or stereotyped because they seem to be a part of that 'group' or w.e

  6. Yes, thats what makes it a stereotype is when it's more true than untrue. Stereotype means it happens more often than it don't, thereby it's a stereotype about something that is commen in life.

  7. Generalizations are "generally true". there are books in sociology that address the stereotype. These notions are part of our cultural collective definitions, whether we like r not.

  8. thats the point of a stereotype- is that its true.

  9. Only in STEREO !

  10. All stereotypes exist in real life.  The problem with stereotyping is that the behavior of some is thought to be the behavior of all.

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