
Is a stick shift hard?

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Yes I know, kind of a silly question...

but I just got my license and pretty soon a car (I hope) and I'm positive I want a manual..because I want to learn to drive one, and they look like loads of fun.

I've read up on it and practiced a tiny bit so I know how it works and such, I just want to know if it's as hard as it looks. It doesn't really look too hard, but it does seem like it's ALOT to pay attention to.

h**l theres alot to pay attention to driving an auto, but a manual just seems pretty confusing..again I know, silly question but just one of those little things I want to know (like parallel parking, looks hard, and everyone says it's the hardest thing ever...but I found it quite easy so...)




  1. it's not hard it just takes getting used to, im 13 and i can do it fine

  2. It's not that bad, but you get better with practice. the tricky part is the take-off. If you are on level ground or pointing down hill, just take your foot off the brake, give it a little gas and ease off the clutch pedal. to take off uphill you use the "heel and toe" technique. With the ball of your right foot on the brake, ease your right heel onto the gas pedal and rev up the engine a bit, then ease the clutch off partially, to the point the engine starts to slow. let off the brake and clutch together while giving it more gas with your right heel.  

  3. No, don't worry about it.  The hardest part is getting used to letting out the clutch in stop and go traffic, but after a while it will become second nature just like riding a bike.  Actually, manual transmission cars are much safer because they keep you more focused and alert while driving.  I applaud you for learning to drive a stick because they are a lot more fun, and you'll get more enjoyment for not taking the easy way out like most people.  

    Another misconception that many young drivers have is that you need to down shift a lot with a manual.  You hardly ever need to.  If you're slowing down for a stop light or something, you can just put the car in neutral and let it drift to a stop.  I drove a manual for more than a year, and the only time I needed to down shift was when a pulled into a neighborhood or something.  Then I just threw it into second gear.  

    My first car was also a stick, and mine wasn't an easy one!  It was a 1990 Ford Mustang GT with a high performance clutch that was very unforgiving!  But I had to learn how to drive it cause I needed to get to school, and after a while I could drive it with my eyes closed with absolute precision.  Anyone else you drove the car would stall it all the time and shift sloppily.

    But good luck with it, and I hope that helped!

  4. I don't think it will be that big of a deal, because you will get used to it, and when you are in town, you will only be in first gear unless you are in a 55 mph zone.

    Otherwise with parking and stuff, it isn't a huge deal.

    I'm 14 and I understand it fine and could do it fine.

    NOTE: practice somewhere like in a parking lot to get used to it. You might jerk a bit the first few times, but that is normal for most.

    Have fun with the stick shift.

  5. No its actully alot of fun. It takes getting used to but you can master it in a day or two. Im 30 (lol 13 year old driving one) but I have driven them all my life because I feel more in control of the car and it makes driving fun

  6. Eventually it becomes second nature. You don't even have to look at your rpms to know when to shift - you shift just by the sound and feel of the car.

    It's a bit like touch typing, in that it seems pretty confusing to begin with, but with practice you stop noticing which finger you use for which key, you just type.

    It comes easier to some people, to get the 'feel' of balancing the clutch and the gas pedals.

    But to me, the payoff is worth it all the way! You'll have to pry my stick shift from my cold, dead hands ;)
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