
Is a stronger EU desirable?

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2 negatives and 2 positives?




  1. Please define "stronger". Military stronger? No thank you. Stronger regarding trade? Stronger regarding... what? And concerning mckenziecalhoun's answer. Europe is in my view a very "free" region. Seemed weired you writing about freedom in the way you did.

  2. Only if it acts as a counter balance to the U.S. If the U.S. has control over the E.U... *shudders*

  3. People that have to live with varied and diverse goals and views HAVE to become more democratic, HAVE to respect more freedoms, or they kill each other.

    1) If Europe unites more, it will get more freedom oriented.

    2) If Europe unites more, it will increase freedom of speech and improve communications, increasing the odds that they will have accurate information and make better choices.

    1) If Europe unites more, there is always a chance they will not agree with the U.S. AND have the power to do something about it.

    2) If Europe unites and does nothing about Islam for fear of offending, it could very well turn Islamic (as many South-East Asian countries have lost THEIR governments to Islamic leaders who get voted in and then dissolve the government in favor of Islamic law).

    2 and 2

  4. mckenziecalhoun wrote:

    Europe will get freedom" Europe has freedom. Plus we have free speech. I get the impression mckenziecalhoun you never been outside the US!

    Europe has no problem with the Middle East or Islam. We haven't invaded any Middle East country. The EU is not about military. Power. It about trading of goods and the movements of people. Each EU member has there own laws etc. Some members of the EU are neutral countries.

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