
Is a system of global control of resources and distribution of wealth and employment possible, one day?

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In "I Robot" the world is run by a computer program which allocates wealth and work where needed. One of the premises of global control of resources and production is that imbalances cause war and conflict. Is there any merit to the idea, and could we ever see 'computers' run the show? Freaky stuff ---I know!!!




  1. Certainly anything is possible, but as unpredictable as the human race is, it is hardly probable.  Computers, at this stage of development, are still run by humans.  Someday, we may develop the situation as descibed in the last comic strip of Mandrake the Magician wherein just a few people were left in the world.  One group had developed plant life to the extreme with intelligent plants, etc. and the other group had developed machines to the nth degree with intelligent machines, etc.  There was about to be a war between the two groups.  The comic strip quit on that note never to be seen again.  As long as there are human men (and women) in the world there will be competition.  It is instinclive behavior.  As long as there is competition, the species will survive.  Without the competition, even in its most awful form, war, the human race will perish from the earth.

  2. wow you are such a communist

    which, in this case, is great.

    i think it would be awesome for there to be laws that govern consumption of resources...thats the only way we can survive. who knows, maybe we'll come to that point one day or another.

  3. Your living during this process now going on .

  4. if we consider that there are now governments that govern over a billion people (China/ India) it is not inconceivable that there could be a government that would govern the whole earth.

    If this would be the case there might not be the problem of multinationals escaping to lower wage nations and therefore not pressuring governments to cut standards for its own population.

    there could be equal rights for everybody and a social security system to help low or non-earners

    computers will surely play a role in such a scenario

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