
Is a teacher at school allowed to ask about a student's sexual fantasies?

by  |  earlier

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Would it be sexual harassment if a deputy principle does this?

ps This might sound weird but its slightly taken out of context, however it is still exactly as I said it is.




  1. its definitely nt allowed no matter wad age yr students are. it wld be considered improper conduct.

  2. yes tell sum1

    hope i hellpd :]

  3. No,he shud not do that.Try to meet him in person n tell abt this ...if possible WARN him not to repeat such things in future.

  4. no teachers are not to ask,and yes it is harassment to ask.

  5. yes indeed that is sexual harassment

  6. That would definitely be inappropriate. In the first place it is harassment and secondly it is none of the principal's business. It doesn't matter if this is a deputy principal. It is wrong.

  7. Be very cautious in how you word the question.

  8. I can't imagine the context that this would be okay in.  If it was a counselor and you came to them with help sorting out your sexual orientation, MAYBE, but even then, it would be weird.

    Write down everything that happened while you can remember it.  Every single detail, with dates, times, and as many direct quotes from you and the teacher as you can remember.  Stick to facts, and avoid guessing anything.

    Then give it to your parents and let them handle it.  That's it.  Don't discuss it with your friends or other teachers.  Then people might say you're making it up to ruin that teacher's reputation.

    Your parents and you may decide that you need to speak to a psychologist, which is of course a great idea.

    This sort of thing is too much for a young person to handle on their own, which is why you need to tell your parents and give them the evidence.  They will know what to do.

  9. Do NOT as someone recommended meet with this individual in person. This is something that should definitely be reported to another administrative person. DO you have teacher in particular that you have a good relationship with? If so I would go to them and tell them what occur ed. Chances are if he  or she said something to that effect to you, they have also said it to others. This is a definite form of sexually harassment and should be reported ASAP (as soon as possible)

  10. Anything regarding s*x talk beginning with a school official is sexual harassment, whether you like it or not.  An official can discuss it with a student if they were experiencing a problem (the kid) with it, like getting caught or harassing others.

  11. He shouldn't be asking this.  If he does and gets caught, he may need to choose a new career.

  12. Take this up to the superintendent of the school or district.  If needed you can take it up to the state level.

    A teacher should not ask such a question.  This is not related to sexual education whatsoever.

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