
Is a teddy bear hamster a good choice for a first time owner?

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i want to get a hamster, but is a teddy bear hamster a good choice for a first time owner? or are dwarfs better? any inforamtion would be great.




  1. Teddy bears are cute but dwarfs have better personalities.

  2. Teddy bear hamster,are basically the same to Syrian hamster,like rex/teddy bear guinea pigs are the same as normal short haired guinea pigs. Dwarf hamsters are often more skittish than the larger breeds like the teddys As i found when i semi worked in a petshop the larger hamsters went first as these where generally more boldish. So the answer to your question,yes Teddy Rexes are a good choice for first time owners.Hope this helps & good luck with your teddy bear!!

  3. i agree with the statement above. dwarf hamsters are more docile [friendly, kind] but teddy bear is good too.  

  4. I personally would pick the teddy bear hamster for they seem to be more layed back, dawf hamsters seem to have more of a attitude sometimes. If your just wanting a small friend I would prefer a rat. They are smart and are much more personal.  

  5. i am a time owner of 2 teddy bear hamsters..... salt & pepper(thats their names) are great hamsters,their spoiled too,but also great to take care of in my opinion. They dont even bite me, & their SO sweet!!!

  6. Dwarfs are a tiny bit harder to tame, esp. Robo Dwarfs. But hammy dwarfs are cute and I recommend them  because they can be fun, but very fast.

  7. Definitely the syrian hamster (teddy bear hamster is a type of syrian hamster) is a great choice for a first time hamster owner.

    It is the largest of the hamster species kept as pets making in the easiest to handle and is usually tolerant in nature. The Syrian Hamster is solitary once it is mature and so although it may appear to be living happily with others in the pet shop it will require a cage of its own as its solitary nature will already be developing. Also the Syrian Hamster is easier to tame than dwarf hamsters and once tame, they remain tame for life. While dwarf hamsters have to be handled regularly otherwise they become untame again.

    Dwarf russian campbells and dwarf winter white russian Hamsters are much less tolerant of clumsy handling than the Syrian Hamster and so first time hamster owners might find them a bit difficult to handle.  

  8. it depends on what you want all rodents are basically the same to maintain

  9. teddy bear hamsters are really cute and are super sweet and rarely bite

    the males have cute little bubble butts! lol

    they're real fun to have as a pet though

  10. Teddy bears have personalities and are easy to train.

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