
Is a teen boot camp just a politically correct way of beating the c**p out of kids ?

by Guest45388  |  earlier

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So demeaning a child is alright ..but spanking them is not .. Pushing a child to the point of exhaustion is alright but spanking is not ...

Does anyone understand what I'm saying here ?




  1. I don't know the details of what boot camp involves but my understanding is (depending on which one of course) that it teaches teens to respect others and more importantly themselves.

    If this is done by demeaning the child then I don't think that is right.

    I also don't believe in spanking but if other do it is there choice and I am fine with that... it is just not right for me. I was spanked and sure I am fine but I am hoping to teach my child better ways to deal with her anger.

    I definetely get what your saying and like I said if demeaning the child is the case then it is no better than spanking although for some kids...maybe more effective ??

  2. lol

    honey teen boot camp is what happens to teans of parents that think spanking isn't ok

  3. Boot camp is institutionalized cruelty.

    Their purpose is to humiliate and destroy the personality of the child.

    My teenage foster daughter survived boot camp and I have heard her stories of the staff encouraging the the kids to brutalize each other with beatings and alienation.  The stress positions she would have to hold and if any member of the group broke position for a moment, the entire group would have to start over; afterward, the staff would close their eyes as the girl who broke position would be beaten by the others.

    She does not lie to me and I have no reason to not believe her.

    I do believe in spanking when needed.  I do not believe in teen boot camps.  

  4. beating the c**p out of teens shouldnt be politically correct

  5. they make kids beat you  

  6. I see what you mean...

    I've always thought parents that resort to things like boot camp, military school, ect. Have no parenting skills and shouldn't have had kids in the first place.  really if anyone ever tried to take me to a bootcamp I'd raise h**l in that they'd be begging me to go home!

  7. i dont care. my p.e. teacher makes every boot camp instructor look like a bunch of pusses

  8. I understand, but that doesn't mean you're right.

    This is a program that your parents signed you into, nothing is direct and excessive, and your parents signing you over is consent to the program.

    So being bitter about being sent to boot camp isn't going to help anything. Suck it up.

  9. uhh..YEAH. You've never been in the military so you don't know. When you "break" someone, you break them of all their bad habits and destructive behaviors (underage drinking, smoking, to much s*x, drugs) and once you have broken anything else, you fix them. So...I don't see why this is a big deal? Getting smoked..or doing lots and lots of physical work is a WAY better punishment than spanking.

    Trust me, if you ever got forced to do push ups till the drill sergent got prolly won't try to p*ss him off again.

    My son will learn to behave by me using that same theory...because I'm working on being a drill sergent and I will NOT have any disobedience in my house...what-so-ever.

    edit: hey shakensharon...guess what my dear...don't have any of your kids join REAL boot camp. they do the same thing to grown adults...imagine that

  10. Had the other methods of discipline worked, the teen wouldn't have to be there in the first place.  If the teen has done what it takes to get there, they can deal with the consequences.

  11. Probably!

  12. I know what you mean  you can't spank kids but they can die of exhaustion at boot camp? Last time I checked no ones died of being spanked.

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