
Is a traffic ticket still valid if the officer doesn't have you sign it?

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I received a ticket in Justice, Il for disobeying a stop sign. It's the kind I have to mail in and either plead guilty, go to traffic school, or fight it in court. The officer never had me sign the ticket. Is it still valid or can it be thrown out?




  1. if you have a friend or know someone who is a police just ask them, they will know that question the best!

    good luck! :)

  2. In Illinois, there is no requirement to sign your ticket.  I assume that the officer took your drivers license or bond card.

    If you signed the ticket, you received an Individual Bond (I-Bond) and the court date would be required.

  3. Yes it is still valid they don't need you to sign for them anymore. If you don't mail in that piece of paper you could have your license suspended. Granted you can still fight it if you wish by saying not guilty and fighting it in court

  4. It's still valid, the ones you get from photo radar aren't signed and they are valid. You need to learn obeying the law like stopping at stop signs will save you a lot of trouble.

  5. Your signature on the ticket only acknowledges that you were given a copy of the ticket.  It has nothing to do with the validity of the ticket.  If your signature was required for the ticket to be valid, most people would simply refuse to sign any tickets.

  6. Yes.

  7. Of course it's valid.  He is an officer of the law, sworn to obey the laws and to protect the public. He has the power of deposition and arrest.   You have to prove that he made this whole thing up.  Lots of luck with that!

  8. yes its still valid, plead not guilty and get a lawyer if its worth it.

  9. Mail it back with a check for the amount specified for the offense.

  10. Not all jurisdictions require you to sign a ticket.

    Some departments have you do it as a way of recording that you received the ticket and are promising that you will show up in court, some don't bother with the practice. In either case, if you don't obey the summons, you get a warrant out for your arrest. And it has no bearing on the charge.

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