
Is a urine test accurate to detect your pregnancy?

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are urine sample an accurate way of detecting a pregnancy? I went to plannedparent hood and got a pap smear test and they did me a pregnancy test. The results came out to be negative, but when she checked my uterus she said it felt like i was pregnant. Then she said it could either be a tumor or that i was pregnant and I wanted to know if a urine test is accurate




  1. When your pregnant your body releases a hormone(hcg) which is detectable in urine from as little as 4 days pragnant which is why new pregnacy test's are becoming more reliable. Although with some people they can have phantom pregnancies were the body thinks it's pregnant and the hormone is released but there is no feotus.

  2. I would wait for the tests to come back.  She might be wrong about what she thought your uterus felt like...I think the test is correct, but I also wouldn't worry about having a tumor.  Wait until the tests come back or you get a second opinion.

  3. they are accurate but it depends how much HCG you have in your urine and how diluted your urine is ,first thing in the morning is always better for a test.

  4. blood test are better indicators of pregnancy.

  5. It depends on how late you are.

    It can take some tests, like the ones at PP, a lot of the hormone in your urine to turn +

    I say go buy one in a week and test again.  Good luck, depending on what you are wanting it to be.

  6. Urine tests are not as conclusive as blood tests.  This is mainly due to the fact that it takes a while for hcg to become apparent and measurable in your urine.  In addition, depending on how much fluid you took on before the test, it can be rendered inaccurate because the sample is diluted....that is why on home pregnancy tests, they always recommend first morning urine, because it is probably the most concentrated.

  7. Not always. It really depends on how much of the pregnancy hormone your body is producing. If it's extremely low, then the urine tests may not detect it right away. Your best bet is to get a blood test done...Or just wait and see if you have a period.  

  8. A urine test is usually accurate, especially if you are far enough along for there to be physical changes in your uterus.  But if there is any doubt, a blood test is more accurate, and, by the time you are 6-8 weeks along  an ultrasound would settle the question.

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