
Is a vegetarian permitted to eat animal crackers?

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Is a vegetarian permitted to eat animal crackers?




  1. idk you tell me

  2. I eat them all the time.

  3. U ote of be ashamed of yourself! Thats cruel.

  4. Wow, I've never heard that one before!  How long did it take you to think it up - it really makes you look so intelligent and worthwhile.....

  5. No. How can you be so cruel?? ...............

  6. No I'm a vegetarian and I don't eat anything with a face!

    Ha ha Great question  :-}

  7. A vegetarian is permitted to eat anything. It's whether if they want to that counts.

    So of course a vegetarian is permitted to eat animal crackers... just depends on whether they want to eat it, according to their own personal beliefs (i.e. a vegan would not want to eat it, depending on animal crackers' ingredient).

  8. No!!! Not under the Federation of Interplanetary Vegetarians rule no 1246578490372645 -4, paragraph 5674382930485763, and I quote: "Vegetarians : The consumption of Earth made animal crackers is forbidden because the aforementioned crackers look exactly like the new born younglings of the Crackerians, a humanoid species living on the planet  Caulifloredium 6.  Violation of these rule is punishable by 10 earth years confinement at the penal colony planet Paradoxis 2 where plants look like animals and animals look like plants thus leading to a chaotic situation of what is safe to eat. Where burger are actually good for you. And omnivores going "Ewwww, this bacon tastes like cabbage!!"

    yes animal crackers are okay for vegetarians as long as they don't contain animal based ingredients and additives.

  9. It depends on the ingredients in the animal crackers. If they contain any animal flesh such as lard, or gelatin than no. Some vegetarians do not consume eggs or milk, these who do not consume any product from an animal are known as "vegans".

  10. I know it's a joke, har har har, but I've read about how some people don't eat animal crackers because it's a state of mind.  Even if it doesn't contain animal products and is totally vegan, it's like you WANT to, same reason that some people don't eat faux-meat.

  11. LOL, what would PETA say. It does stand for people eating tasty animals, so yes, yes they are.

  12. You're the 403rd person to ask this:

    People who ask this and spell vegetarian wrongly, and people who ask about vegans rather than vegetarians, bring the total to nearer 500.

    Nothing new under the sun, eh?

  13. I love you!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS REALLY FUNNY!! well i think they're allowed to but i dont think they could get through a bite knowin what the shape of the cracker is lol

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