
Is a vulture considered a scavenger or a decomposer?

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or both? O_o




  1. Vultures are scavengers because they wait for something to die before feeding on it. Because of the highly developed digestion system, the vultures are able to feed on decaying meat and not develop sicknesses. A decomposer would usually be a bacteria or a fungus.

  2. I can understand wehre you are coming from but i would bet scavenger

  3. scavenger

    cuz they don't actually set about chemically breaking down animals..they jus come after a kill to get their grub and go!!

  4. It would be considered a scavenger because vultures eat dead animals that are decomposing on the roadside. Just like crows, vultures are considered scavengers. Vultures have a purpose on this Earth. They get rid of the ugly roadkill you see lying on the roadside.

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