
Is a warrant still valid outside of the geographical limitations?

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Is a warrant still valid outside of the geographical limitations?




  1. They can be and by that I am saying that warrants can be served anywhere in the United States once issued by a judge. In order to serve a warrant in another jurisdiction all that is required is to get the warrant counter signed by a judge in the jurisdiction you are wanting to serve the warrant in. If he refuses to counter sign the warrant, then pack it up and go home. You can not serve it. Even felony warrants issued from county courts. Of course Frderal warrants issued by US Magistrates can be served anywhere in America. Hope this helps.  

  2. If you are asking if you can still get arrested once you leave the state, the answer is yes.  If Caifornia issues an arrest warrant and you are in New York,  the NY cop learning of the warrant will arrest.  NY will then contact CA to see if they want to extradict.  If yes, then there will be an extradition hearing unless you waive it.  Then the NY judge will give CA a time to come and get you.  

  3. To add to what freerodeo said, if the issuing agency lists your name and warrant into NCIC (National Crime Information Center) then if you are stopped by any law enforcement agency having access to the NCIC computer records, then your butt is toast because that agency will arrest you on that information and the arresting offier will go before a judge and sign a warrant for Fugitive from Justice and you will be held until you are picked up by the issuing law enforcement agency.

    and by the way..freerodeo and myself are the same person............

  4. Most states are all interconnected.  If there is a warrant out for you in California and you're pulled over in South Carolina, they'll know about it.

    Now, will that cop put you under arrest?  It depends on the crime.  If it's for a felony?  Yes.  If it's for parking tickets?  Probably not.

    They would likely call the jurisdiction to see if they want the person to be held, and if so, will they come get them.

  5. If you are talking about an arrest warrant, it is valid until recalled by the issuing court.  Where you are physically located does not change the validity of an arrest warrant.

    If you're asking about extradition, that's an entirely different question.

  6. Also adding to what Freeroadeo said

    If you give another name and go to jail Your Prints will bounce you back in MOST all cases.

    Now that they are mostly;y all joined into one database you are as said Toast when those prints pop back with that warrant./

    Back in the day well you could go from state to state with a new name and never be found out.

    That little loophole is no longer possible in most cases.

    If you have a warrant iot is easier just to get your ducks in a row and get it taken care of save money pay lawyer and bondsman turn self in if there is a bail on warrant boom you are out If not the lawyer asked for bail reduction and out you go max 3 days.

    Some warrants are No bail like violation probation and parole so in those cases no matter where you are 9 out of 10 you are being hauled back to where the warrant is and likely no bail. so be prepared to do at least a month.

  7. yes, and if it's a serious enough crime, they can extradite you back to the place the warrant was issued.

    Also, it could mean that you get yourself in more trouble if you're trying to leave the area when you know you're a wanted person!

    --if you're in the states, lets say you just go to another state-- that could take the case from a STATE case to a FEDERAL case.

    You'll eventually get caught either way! just do the right thing. good luck~

  8. depends on the charge

    custodean interferance is county only and

    another state will not can not arrest

    so what is it for warrant?

  9. if it is a felony ....Yes

  10. Based solely on what you have asked, no.

  11. Depends on what type of warrant and what kind of geographical locations your talking about.  If it were a misdemeanor warrant from the state of Florida for a person in Washington State I doubt that they would be extradited back to Florida but if it was a felony warrant for murder they probably would be.    

  12. Please explain what you mean by "geographical limitations".  

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