
Is a water hose (set on jet spray) an efficient way to get rid of ants?

by Guest64534  |  earlier

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I have a huge pile of ants in my yard and I need to get them away fast and I was wondering, can I get rid of them with the use of my water hose? If there are better ways, please tell me. These ants have been harassing me and everyone around me.




  1. put an out line of chalk around your doors and windows ants dont cross the chalked line

  2. grits are great just sprinkle over them and they will be dead in day or two. Fast item try gasoline

  3. well if you destroy their nest they will only rebuild it in about 24 hours. There are several methods of ridding your lawn or garden from the hazards created by ants beginning with organic methods. Start by drowning the ants with boiling water. Approximately three gallons of boiling water to each mound should do the trick. Follow with a natural repellent of citrus peelings and water. Blend in a blender and pour it over the anthill. Another natural remedy is to mix equal parts of sugar and borax. Place the sugar/borax mixture strategically around the yard in small containers (jar lids work just fine). The ants are attracted to the sugar and carry it back to the mound and within a week or two the borax will kill the mound. One other natural remedy is to use instant grits or cream of wheat. Sprinkle the grits over the mound. The ants will eat the grits and the grits will expand and blow up inside them. This method has been known to remove an ant hill within a day or two.

    Another natural deterrent to an invasion of ants is to plant mint, bearing in mind that mint is a very invasive plant and may take over more of your garden than you are willing to give. If the mint plant proves too aggressive for you, brew a strong mint tea to create a natural insecticide and pour it on the mound.

    If you cannot keep ants at bay with natural remedies, chemical choices may be the answer. There are several chemical choices on the market ranging from ant baits to granules to liquid insecticide. Fire ants should be treated with granules. The worker ants will take the granules back to the queen and when the queen dies, the mound dies. Leaf cutter ants will not eat an ant bait or granule. If you can find the ant colony, drench the mount with a liquid insecticide. Diatomaceous earth, available at swimming pool supply stores, is one chemical that has been proven to kill ants and is said to be harmless to use around humans and pets. Sprinkle the diatomaceous earth around the mound and across the path of the ants to dehydrate and kill them.

    Just remember, ants are hardy creatures and removing them can prove to be difficult. It may be necessary to treat multiple times before you have completely removed all the ants from your yard. If you cannot succeed on your own, calling in a professional may be the best option.

  4. Use a mix of cinnamon and sugar. The ants will pick up the sugar, along with the cinnamon, and take it back to their queen. Ants can’t digest cinnamon and once the queen dies from not being able to digest the cinnamon the colony will die without her.

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