
Is a week and 4 days to early to take a test?

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  1. from your missed period no

    from the last time you had s*x yes

  2. Do you mean your period is 4 days late?  If so, that is a perfect time to test.  

    If you mean you are expecting your period in 3 days, then I would say that you should wait a couple days first.  Some women have no problem getting a positive that early, but many do not.  

    Of course, you could buy 3 tests, and just test every day... you probably will anyway! (I did! LOL!)

  3. If it is a week and 4 days since you ovulated, then you are right on the cusp of being ready for the test, but most likely it is still to early.  Generally you should wait at least 2 weeks after ovulation to test, but some tests may start picking up a positive around 1 weeks 5 days.

    When I tested, I started at 1 week and 4 days past ovulation.  It was negative.  The next day I saw such a faint line I thought I was seeing things.  1 weeks and 6 days you could definitely see the line.  I am now 30 weeks and 2 days pregnant!  

    Good luck!

  4. You should wait until your period is late before testing. But once this date has been and gone, you could test every day. It can take a while for the hormones to build up but by 14dpo (the day AF is due) there's normally enough for most women to get a reliable result.

  5. I would say a week and 4 days is too early to test, you can but it probably will be negative

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