
Is a week old to soon for the cord to fall off

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my baby is a week old today and his cord fell off..there is no smell or blood just a bit clear whiteish stuff in side just wonedring if it is ok that he is only a week o heard that 2 weeks old is when they usually come off




  1. It's fine,my daughter's fell off at 1 week old too. just keep an eye on it if your concerned, but as long as your keeping it clean it should be fine.

  2. Normal

  3. daughter took 5days to drop off...keep it clean and's depend on individual...

  4. all the better for you but you should ask your pharmacy for antiseptic for it so you always keep the area clean until its fully healed.


  5. Nope that is perfectly fine and within the normal range. It can even take up to 3 weeks or even a month.  And actually the sooner it is off the better...  see you want it to dry out as much as possible so that it falls off like a little raisin...  Sometimes it doesn't dry out underneath as good as it should and it holds moisture and gunky stuff under the stump which can lead to infection...   So now that your baby's is off he can be washed in a basin/baby tub instead of just wiping him down.  

  6. As long as everything looks ok, and you said it does, then one week is just fine.  

  7. It's totally normal. When my baby was 5 days old her cord had fell off.

  8. It is just fine it means it just dried out quickly.  Now your baby just has a cute belly button. =)

  9. Nothing's wrong with it. My kids also had the same experience. They are grown-ups now.

  10. My first baby's cord took 10 days to fall off and my second baby took 6 days.  Sounds completely normal.

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