
Is a woman vice president is making you consider voting republican?

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I didn't know anything could make me consider that---but today I considered it.




  1. Voting by gender is not the way to base a vote. Study the issues and know where the candidates stand on issues you care about. For example, a Pro-Choice woman will not vote for Palin but a pro-life woman will love her because she takes a hard line and thinks abortion is wrong even in cases of incest and rape. If you feel strongly about teaching creationism in school you'll agree with Palin but if you believe in science then you won't dovetail with her beliefs. Don't vote for a woman just because she is one. That is very naive. Vote for the candidate that will take the world in the direction you think it should go and you won't know that without a little studying.

  2. No, but Palin is making me consider further undermining McCain's integrity.

    She's a fundie for goodness sake! That is never a good sign when your right-hand person believes creationism should be taught as a science!

  3. No.  Why would you vote for someone based on their gender  Worse yet, the gender of their second-in-command?

  4. Absolutley not.

    The only reason mccain picked her is to support his anti US drilling campaign..

    Im alittle sad that people dont realize that......

  5. Just because McCain picked some woman out of a hat doesn't qualify her to be President of the U.S.!!  There is no one qualified to run this country on the tickets except maybe Joe Biden.  The other three couldn't run a McDonalds!!

  6. Nothing could make me consider voting republican.  They are treasonous scum devoted to destroying the USA under mountains of debt and chaos in order to make it into a banana republic where the ultra rich are the masters and the rest of the population slaves.

    If McCain picking some gun-toting ex beauty queen who is governor of a state with less population than any major city in the US for VP can make you consider the Greedy Oil Party of torture, wiretapping and corruption, you have issues and should not be eligible to vote.  Oh sure, just what we need, another VP who likes to shoot living things for sport.

  7. oh my god yeah i'm a huge democrat but with palin i'm voting mccain.(nevr liked obama) :) now it isn't just because she is a woman it is because she is strong and feels for average people also she isn't running for president so leave her alone.

  8. shame on you for choosing who to vote for based on gender! thats just as bad as voting for the color of skin! it doesnt matter who it matters what are the policies they support! if you dont like republican policies then dont vote republican! would you want to live in a place where you hated the policies but loved the vp because she is a woman? thats horrible, vote for the policies you prefer!

  9. Nope.  

  10. No, (if i was American, I'm not! lol). I think McCain is doing this just so he can maybe get some of Hillary's old supporters.

  11. No, I think Obama got it right in his speech "This election is not about candidates it's about us, the average joe blow")

    It's about what we need, not personalities. The Democrates inspire me, they're striving towards lasting change not band-aid solutions.  

    What the democrates propose is overwhelming, maybe they won't fillful all their promises, but at least they have the guts to take that first step, in the direction we need to go!. I think they will made many changes that are long overdue.

    I also commend that McCain choose a women as a running mate, it's a first, and stands as a accomplishment for all women. But I woundn't consider McCain as electable because his policies have no substance, and his Anti-Women rights policies take women rights backward.

  12. She could be like Geena Davis on Commander in Chief.

  13. She's certainly easier on the eyes than Bush or Cheney.  And if she were elected VP, she's only a heart attack away from being President.  

  14. You shouldn't. Voting on this coming elections goes beyond the gender or race of the candidates. I know it will be incredible to have a woman on the White House, but not only for being a woman but an experienced leader who can bring this country together and help it take the place it once held in the world. She is being used as a political strategy to gain Hillary's undecided voters. She is being used as a decorative asset on the vice-presidential chair. Again, this election is not about race or gender, is about AMERICA and what is best for its future.

  15. There are better reasons for supporting Palin, than her gender:

    a)  As governor of Alaska, she took on corruption at all levels of state govt, including within her own party.  

    For Obama, "not just politics as usual" is just rhetoric.  For Palin, it's actual policy!

    b)  As governor, she oversaw a state budget surplus -- and then gave the money back to the taxpayers!

    c)  As mayor of her hometown, she gave HERSELF a pay cut!

    d)  She has more real-world business experience than Obama, Biden, and McCain combined.

    e)  She has accomplished a lot politically in a short amount of time -- while managing a marriage and a family, including a son in the Army and another child with Down Syndrome.

    I would vote for this woman as PRESIDENT, let alone Vice President!


  16. Yes, she is a strong, independent woman.  She has a great story and has gone against the good ole boys, Republicans in Alaska.  

  17. Way to prove a stereotype. Go you.

  18. And her stances on everything don't mean anything to you? Just her gender?

  19. Not a chance.  Don't be duped.  Many feminists and Clinton supporters as well as some women who were on the fence, are moving towards the Obama camp because of McCain's stupid decision to select a woman (any woman) for VP without giving thought to her credentials.  This point the nail in McCain's political coffin.

  20. Nope.

    A true Female Democrat that is Pro-Choice would never vote for a ticket that has a Pro-Lifer who'll support overturning Roe Vs. Wade just because the Vice President is Female.

  21. Never mind the VP slot, make her prez and McCain the gopher. She is

    a excellent choice. And I believe VP's have Nanny's as well

  22. Any woman? No.

    Sarah Palin? Yes. She is a good choice.

  23. I would vote for McCain regardless of his VP.

  24. If that's all it takes to drive you t the dark side you don't deserve the right to vote.

  25. Nope.  She's already got her hands full raising her 5 kids.  One of them with Down-syndrome.

  26. I don't care if she's a woman, it's her positions that matter.

  27. just because shes a woman doesn't mean i'm voting for McCain.  i mean i'm very much a feminist myself, but come on.  Obama has more experience in a finger nail than she has altogether!

  28. Nope.

    The issues are the most important thing.  Having a woman in the oval office (even in the backseat, so to speak) means nothing if every policy change results in the backpedaling and repealing of women's basic rights!

  29. No. A person should not base their voting decision on trivial things like race or gender, but on real issues!

  30. Not just any woman.

    A very strong, capable, woman!

    McCain/Palin 2008

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