
Is a zebra black with with stripes or vise versa?

by Guest21211  |  earlier

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Is a zebra black with with stripes or vise versa?




  1. Actually, the zebra has pink skin with white and black hair, so My answer is pink.

  2. Black with white stripes.  If you think about it a minute you could rationalize this.  How many species of wild horses are white?  None.  Why would evolution choose a white horse?  It would not.  Wouldn't a white colored horse be an easy target for a predator?  Yes.

  3. i see it as white with black stripes but idk the "right" answer

  4. i think white with black, although some zebras i have seen look like black with white

  5. i think there can be 2 types of zebras. who knows? maybe its genetics like while a baby zebra is forming it starts forming black then gets white stripes or vise versa. A white baby zebra develops black stripes.

    yep..thats my theory

  6. a zebra is white with black stripes,you can tell cause their belly is all white..

  7. A zebra has white body with black strips . :-)

  8. Hi

    I'm pretty sure Zebra's are actually black with white stripes.  I've owned & bred horses for a long time (over 30 years) and when a horse has black skin around its muzzle (nose & mouth) it means it's skin is usually black all over.  Especially when its hooves are black too (like the zebras hooves).  A white horse (or a horse that has white socks or stockings) will have pinky/creamy looking hooves whereas a horse with black skin will have black hooves.  I know horses and zebras aren't exactly the same but they're related.

    Hope that helps you with your question.


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