
Is a zombie considered a cannibal?

by  |  earlier

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cannibal: somthing that eats somthing else of the same species.

with that in mind, is a zombie considered human?

if it is, then if another human attacks it is that connsidered murder?

Also, if an animal attacks a zombie, would that animal be shot because it threatens human life?

What about zombie animals? how come we have never seen any of those (with the exception of the newest Resident Evil movie) ? are they all dead? why dont the zombies attack them?




  1. I don't consider a zombie to be human, so in my mind, it is not a cannibal.  Zombies are dead bodies that have been reanimated by a virus, so you're not really fighting humans.  You're fighting a virus that is using a human body as its host.  But the soul, the thing that makes a human a human, is gone.

  2. It's all fake.  You sure have alot of time on your hands.

  3. you can only murder someone that is still a live. the zombies are dead (living dead to be excact) but still dead. so carry on with your zombie stomping spree without guilt or remorse.

    ps i pwn at zombie stomping

  4. well a zombie cant be a cannibal unless they eat other see when they are dead they become zombies and if they eat the living then its not really cannibalism because theyre already dead.

  5. why does it matter? zombies dont exist!

  6. r a little creepy....just a little

  7. 1.  A zombie is a 'former' human.  They have died and thru some means, a virus or voodoo, have been reanimated giving them the appearance of life.  In other words, their body is just a shell hosting something else new so if they eat humans, which they need to do to sustain "life", they are not cannibals--it's not a human eating another's something using a human mouth to eat human flesh.

    2.  A zombie is, again, a once living human now dead.  You can't murder a dead thing.

    3.  Again, an animal can't be liable for injuring an already dead human.

    4.  Zombie animals?  Good point.  

    I think zombies would attack animals.  Really they'd attack any living, blood-pounding creature.  So I guess zombie animals wouldn't be any different.  They'd attack humans and animals the same.

    Thank you for this caused some really interesting debate in my house.

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