
Is a1999 Mercedes c280 an okay car?

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I have a 99 mercedes c280 and was wondering if this is a good car for starting out to drive with since im 16. But also was wondering what the W and S mean next to the shifter meant.




  1. I think it is a stylish car to drive, but it depends on what you are looking for in it. Im thinking that the car doesnt cost that much, so it would be good, cause most new and young drivers will very likely get into an accident.

    If i were you, i suggest getting a new car, that offers more safety. Try some cheap cars, like hyudai, honda, toyota, which all give you front airbags and also Front side airbags.  Im not too sure, but your car might not have side airbags, for just in case you get T-Boned.  

    The W or S - S= Summer and W=Winter! lol they have different settings on them like W mode will start you in second gear and help you to avoid slipping and sliddings and skidding. S mode is normal!

    hope the info helps ya!

  2. A C280 is a great choice for a first car! The W/S beside the shifter indicated the performance level in the electronic transmission. They stand for something in German (I'm not sure exactly what). The W is for comfort mode, and the S is for sports mode.

  3. now this is the easy one the S is for summer driving and the W is for winter the W a better traction, you dont have to change the summer

    is the less useage of gas as th W. is like changing to all wheel or 4 wheel dr so changing if or when driving snow for better control...

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