
Is abortion a good thing?

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regardless of your religion,what do you think of abortion?do you think it is right?wrong?why?




  1. NO, abortion is NEVER a "good thing". The baby always dies! Even in cases of rape or incest, neither of those circumstances is a good enough reason to kill a baby over. Especially given the fact that millions of people are desperately waiting to adopt a baby, killing the baby would be selfish and immature.

    In the case of rape, does the baby need to pay the death penalty for the sins of its father? Does the baby deserve to die because its father was an @$$hole? Give the baby up for adoption, if your so immature you can't stand looking at your baby's face (who is half YOU, BTW). But we have seen the results that a woman who is raped and then has an abortion, is actually "raped' twice! This adds insult to injury, because the abortionist is violating her body to destroy something that belongs there.  However, when a woman who gets raped and becomes pregnant carries the baby to term, the baby helps her heal emotionally from her rape, by causing her to not focus on feeling sorry for herself, but to help her focus on someone else who needs her.  No one can hold that baby in their arms after its born and wish that they had killed it, but there are millions of women who regret their abortions. Once it's been done, it can't be undone, and the woman lives in emotional misery, turning to drugs and alcohol to drown her pain. Abortion is a "no-win" choice.  

  2. It is good if the situation deems it necessary.

  3. I think abortion is terrible but making it illegal is also terrible.

  4. Depends on the situation.

    I don't think it's generally wrong.

  5. It is a bad thing in general, because it is killing someone, and should be avoided when posisble. but it should NOT be made illegal, it should always be an OPTION.

  6. If I took religion out of it.. then I think I would STILL find it incredibly unjust and illmoral.

    1) I believe in "just consequences" for our actions.   Abortion seems to me like someone who is avoiding the consequences of their actions. So irregardless of religious beliefs.. abortion isn't taking personal responsibility.  

    Now, obviously rape is an exception to this, but that alone doesn't justify it in all situations.    2 wrongs don't make a right.

    Is societies purpose to insulate its members from having to deal with the consequences of their own actions?

    2) It seems incredibly inconsistent to talk about fair and just societies. OR about how wrong it is to murder or take an innocent life.. and then turn around and justify abortion by saying it is not life.

    Irregardless of religion.. I am uncomfortable with the government saying it is there to protect the lives of its citizens and then use LAW to decide that certain humans are too small to be considered humans.  I am not comfortable with society deciding that someone is not "viable on their own" and can therefore be killed.  Seems like that logic could be expanded to certain forms of mental retardation, homeless people, or people on life support.  Viability seems like a nice way of saying "not wanted, therefore we can discard you"

    3) The difference between a Doctor who performs an abortion and a criminal who stabs a pregnant woman in the stomach is very small. Yet, one is paid money and the other is sentenced to prison time. The only difference in both those scenarios is what the women "wanted" That seems disturbing to me.. that we are only alive so long as someone wants us. -- I know I'm exaggerating things.. but the fact that life can be decided simply by what some "wants" scares me.

    4) The sheer BARBARICness of the act of abortion, makes me cringe and it pains me to think that any "modern" or "enligthened" society would actually legislate such barbarism is beyond my ability to rationalize.  I just can't help but to think future generations will look back and be amazed at how we thought something so horrific was OK and had clinics and insurance companies covering it.

    5) Lastly,  how can we be sure we have not aborted the next Stephen Hawkings, or Einstein.  That our energy crisis, our wars in Iraq and cure for AIDS could have been solved already if we hadn't aborted the baby who would have accomplished these things. It has been long enough since abortion laws were legalized in the U.S. that this is and will continue to be a distinct possibility.

    These are the primary things that, aside from religion, keep me from thinking that abortion is good.  

  7. It depends on quite a number of variables.  It's not inherently wrong, in my opinion, within certain boundaries.  It may very well be a good thing, if doing so spares the life of the mother, for example.  

    I support the current legal standards for abortion in the United States, and defend fiercely a woman's right to choose what happens to her body.  I would not want my wife to have an abortion, generally, but ultimately, it's not my decision.  Same goes for my daughter.  Abortion should be legal and rare.

  8. It is one of those things that should be left for the person in the pregnancy situation to decide.  While abortion can be a "good" option for someone whose child will be born with extreme defects, suffer and die promptly.  It can be the "wrong" thing to do for a woman whose husband really wants a kid and she wants to get rid of it just to be spiteful.  I think each woman should be given the ability to choose whether abortion is right for her.

    And for those who will argue is wrong because of God and the bible, let me remind you that not everyone believes like you.  Say I came up with my own religion that dictated that all raped women were to have abortions and fight for such legislation.  Would you be willing to submit to someone else's idea of "righteous" even if you believe different?  Something for you to think about.  

  9. Abortion is not a good thing, IMHO, but I'll be damned if I will force my opinion on someone who actually has to make that choice for herself.


  10. No, abortion is a great thing.

    Because I think the planet is overpopulated as it is.

  11. I would say it's never a good thing, although in many cases it is the best of multiple bad options.  In an ideal world there would never be any unplanned pregnancies or any uncorrectable birth defects, so no abortions would ever be required, but that is not the world in which we live, so abortion must be retained as an option.  

  12. Considering how many fertilized eggs never even make it to the uterus (I'm reliably informed this is up to one-third of them) and how many implanted embryos never make it past the first trimester (again, I'm reliably informed this may be as many as one-fifth of them), I would say that natural abortion -- otherwise known as miscarriage -- is neither right nor wrong.  It simply is.

    Which would make the invisible skyguy the biggest abortion provider ever.

    As for human-induced abortions, I say that nobody has the right to tell a woman that her own body doesn't belong to her between the ages of 12 and 50.

  13. Abortion is NEVER a good thing.  Sometimes it is a necessary thing.

    Making a choice for yourself is the good thing!

  14. It depends on the situation really.  If the mother is raped or her life is in danger, abortion is fine.  If there was some way to test for atheism that would be another good reason to abort.  How sweet the world would be without them.  

  15. well if its a teeange girl and it happened on accident (condom broke, pills didnt work) then they should.

    im sure if i were in the situation (althoguh i'm a guy) i'd be against it because moms love their babies when they find out they're pregnant.

  16. Whether abortion is a good thing or not is totally up to the woman going through the procedure.

    Personally, I firmly believe it is a woman's body; and (in the first trimester) she is the ONLY person who should be involved in the decision.  Except (obviously) in the case of the procedure being necessary for medical reasons.

  17. Abortion is a good thing, think about how many people have been and will be helped in the future from the stem cell research they are able to do because of abortions.

  18. An abortion is a medical procedure. Its no different than an apendectapy. The morals attached to it have to do with the changes in the views of women and relationships to their bodies.

    Those who are against abortion focus on the fetus instead of the health or wellbeing of the woman.  

  19. do you think murder of an innocent person is a good thing? i don't and that's exactly what abortion is: the murder of an innocent human being.

  20. No, murdering babies is evil.

    The fetus has human DNA and a different genetic makeup from his mother. That makes him a separate human life. Killing a baby is evil.

  21. Since abortion was legalized crime has gone down. I don't know why  people don't consider this fact. The thumbs down says it all.

  22. Abortion is wrong !!!

    Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that God knows us before He knits us in the womb. Psalm 139:13-16 speaks of God’s active role in our creation and formation in the womb. Exodus 21:22-25 prescribes the same penalty for someone who causes the death of a baby in the womb as the penalty for someone who commits murder. This clearly indicates that God considers a baby in the womb as just as much of a human being as a full-grown adult. For the Christian, abortion is not a matter of a woman’s right to choose. It is a matter of the life or death of a human being made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27; 9:6).

    The first argument that always arises against the Christian stance on abortion is, “What about cases of rape and/or incest?” As horrible as it would be to become pregnant as a result of rape and/or incest, does that make the murder of a baby the answer? Two wrongs do not make a right. The child who is a result of rape/incest could be given up for adoption to a loving family unable to have children on their own – or the child could be raised by its mother. Again, the baby should not be punished for the evil acts of its father.

    The second argument that usually arises against the Christian stance on abortion is, “What about when the life of the mother is at risk?” Honestly, this is the most difficult question to answer on the issue of abortion. First, let’s remember that this situation is the reason behind less than one-tenth of one percent of the abortions done in the world today. Far more women have an abortion because they do not want to “ruin their body” than women who have an abortion to save their own lives. Second, let’s remember that God is a God of miracles. He can preserve the life of a mother and a child despite all the medical odds being against it. Third, it is never medically necessary to intentionally kill a baby inside the mother's womb. There is a vast difference between trying to save a mother's life, resulting in a baby's death, and intentionally ending the life of a baby in a mother's womb. Ultimately, though, this question can only be decided between a husband, wife, and God. Any couple facing this extremely difficult situation should pray to the Lord for wisdom (James 1:5) as to what He would have them to do.

    94% of the abortions performed in the world today are for reasons other than the life of the mother being at risk. The vast majority of instances can be qualified under "A woman and/or her partner decide they do not want the baby they have conceived." This is an utmost evil. Even in the more difficult 6% of instances, abortion should never be the first option. The life of a human being in the womb is worth every effort to allow a full-term birthing process.

    For those who have had an abortion – the sin of abortion is no less forgivable than any other sin. Through faith in Christ, any and all sins can be forgiven (John 3:16; Romans 8:1; Colossians 1:14). A woman who has had an abortion, or a man who has encouraged an abortion, or even a doctor who has performed one – all can be forgiven by faith in Jesus Christ.

  23. No, it is not a good thing, it is the killing of a human being.  Even though that human being happens to be a mass of cells, or unable to live outside of the womb at that time, it is still a person.  What I don't get is why is abortion fine, but if a pregnant woman is murdered, then why is the murderer charged with double homicide?  Gives you something to think about huh?

  24. I dont think it is either right or wrong. It is a procedure - it doesnt have any inherent qualities about it.

    I think it is a useful procedure in the case of incest, rape or when the mother's life is at stake. Im also okay with it being used when all other methods of birth control have failed. But, I am not okay with it being used as the sole method of birth control.  

  25. I don't think its wrong at all, not in any situation. its not up to me or anyone else to tell a woman what she can or cant do with her life or her body.

  26. No it's wrong and I will tell you why. People shouldn't murder innocent unborn children just because of mistakes that we have made. The unborn children are 100% human too. People are always mentioning incest well I got something to say about that. Really incest is agaist the law and If we all are willing to obey the laws than getting pregnant though because of it won't be a problem. And as for rape, It's not  the babies fault or it won't the the womans fault either.

  27. I don't like abortion.

    Which is why I won't be getting one. Women should have a choice about getting one, though.

    Contraceptive for some, little American flags for others!

  28. I think abortion is a bad thing.  Irregardless of what people want to think the reality is that abortion kills a baby.  A living child is murdered because a woman is too selfish to carry the child to term.  Its nine months out of a woman's life for crying out loud!  After the nine months is up she can give that baby to a loving family.  As for the girl was raped scenario, I feel terrible for her but she should not punish a child for a crime the baby's father committed.  We will kill the baby but give the rapist jail time?  Doesn't add up to me.    

  29. i dont think there is anyone who thinks its  a good thing or is right

    its just a necessity

    and necessity doesnt mean good or right, it means doing soemthing that whether you like it or not needs to be done

    and i think eveyrone shoudl have the right to have an abortion

    because if its necesary, its their life, its their right to make that choice and decision and no one elses

  30. I think it is murder.  Murder is always wrong.

  31. Christian or not, Republican or Democrat, man or woman- Its so very wrong.

    sure people will come back with the Incest/rape argument.. but how many times is that the case?

    We do not have the right to dictate if a person gets to live or die.

    The person who said "if its a teenage girl and it was an accident then its ok".... NO thats especially when its Not OK! If it came down to a life or death situation between the mother and baby.. then there would be some very hard desisions to make, but it should never be used as a scapegoat for teenage idiots who want to have s*x.

    There are plenty of people who are willing to adopt.. theres no reason to end lives.

    and if you are going to have s*x, then be ready for what could happen. take responsibility for your actions.

    arent kids told that from a young age? (obviously not anymore..)

    I dont get why people are standing up for the mothers and not the innocent babies who are about to get their lives sucked away.

    If you saw someone about start cutting off limbs from a baby with a pair of scissors, would you just sit back and say- eh, its not my choice- oh its a good thing, the earth is too populated- ah, that baby was an accident anyway- would that be ok?

    What exactly does the crime rate and legal abortions have to do with eachother?

    Thats like me saying something like- since abortions have become legal, global warming has gotten worse... lol.

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