
Is abortion illegal in Ireland?

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NO Way am I getting an abortion! That's child murder!!!




  1. Yes, abortion is illegal on the entire island of Ireland, unless, as another poster said, the life of the mother would be at grave risk if the pregnancy were to continue. I have heard of people from here going across to Liverpool and Birmingham to have this carried out, but I am not sure if this is something they arrange themselves or if their doctors actually arrange it for them.

  2. Yes it is illegal as the constitution recognises the right of the unborn child. Blaming the catholic church is another anti catholic bashing retoric, as on poster above said it is illegal in northern ireland which has a majority protestant population, but of course it is easier to attack the catholic church because it is the fashon of ignorance.

    Abortion will never be legal in ireland as it is one factor which unites the two majority religions on this island.

    Sorry I forgot to clarify that of course in my belief, abortion is justified if the life of the mother is in danger, but that can be used as an excuse for getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

  3. Yes it is. The only option to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is to go across the border to the UK. That's probably why there are so many teenage parents in comparison to countries where abortion is legal and easy to obtain.

  4. Yes Thank God!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Yes it is illegal in Ireland. It's legal in England (possible the UK also?) and so many people go there.

  6. it is, but hopefully won't be for too long.

    divorce was illegal in ireland until 10/12 years ago. it was voted in with like 51% of the publics vote, so was really close.

    if the public were to vote then i'd say there wil never be abortion in ireland - its all about the guilt from the catholic church messes with the mind man ...................!

  7. It's not available in Ireland anyway, so yes it is.

    People who need to get abortions and live in Ireland usually go to England.

    = )

  8. Abortion is illegal in the Republic of Ireland, but permitted if the life/health of the mother is in danger due to the pregnancy.

    Of course this didn't help the young girls who are forced to bear children they never wanted because they were raped. Lives were ruined because of this cruel and mysogynistic law.

  9. It is illegal in the Republic but strangely enough it is also illegal in Northern Ireland too tho legal in the rest of UK. Girls normally travel to Manchester or London to abort.

  10. it is illegal in Ireland.

  11. Yes, thank God. It is banned by the constituton, and hopefully it will always remain so.

    If it ever came to a referendum, there is a huge 'No' vote coming from me.

    To me, it is not a 'womens rights' issue, it is a child protection issue.

    By the way, to me this has nothing to do with the Catholic Church. It is a moral issue, once the fetus is capable of some kind of brain activity, I think it has full human rights.

    I don't have a problem with the pill, because to me no brain = not yet 'alive'.

  12. Unfortunately it is, but of course people who want abortions can just travel to another country to have an abortion if that is their choice. I see no reason why people don't vote in favour of allowing abortion here, when people are going to be able to do it anyway if that is what they really want. It just means that at a time when a girl is going through a tough enough time anyway, things are made that little bit tougher, both financially and psychologically, and she will probably not be able to find support in the country where she chooses to ahve the abortion. So anyone who votes against abortion being allowed in this country is needlessly cruel, and shouldn't people be allowed to make up their own minds as to whether they should obey the ten commandments or not? As long as our PROPER legal system allows things, then butt out and stop trying to nanny people.

    Sorry about going in to a rant there, but I despise people who denounce abortion for other people in such a sweeping manner, especially those who smugly quote religion, as a few people have done above.

  13. Yes cause it's against the cathold church, and many people think it is morally wrong, and will refuse to do the opperation because of their religious beliefs.

    You can only have it in britain.

    hope i helped =]

  14. I hope your not going to get an abortion

  15. It is completely illegal

  16. yes its illegal but its not illegal to travel to UK for one, but i hav heard there is a foreign ladies from africa doing it here!

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