
Is abortion inversely proportional to funds taken from earnings of the male gender or to imprisonment ?

by  |  earlier

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Edit: This information copuld then be used to make abortion rights a little for equal because no body in the political circles even wants to recognize these trends!!!




  1. That is an unbelievably ridiculous question, and as the first answerer said, practically impossible to answer - and what could you do with the info if you had it?

  2. Not necessarily. I think abortion PLUS adopting out is more likely to be inversely proportional but only if the mother doesn't have other financial support - her parents, the state, a job, etc.

    When you take in the added factors it will not be very persuasive in making an argument to allow equal say for the father.

    I think the man should have a say though. He should not be able to force her if she does want (or doesn't want) an abortion, but I think his say should be linked to child support.

    If he didn't want the baby but she did, she gets full custody, but he doesn't have to pay any child support.

    If she doesn't want the baby but he does, if she can be convinced to carry it to term he will have full custody and she would not have to pay any child support. He should also have to pay for any of her medical costs during pregnancy and that are a result of childbirth.

  3. Erm I don't really understand what the question is. Are you referrin to parental payments? If so, who knows - we (well some of us if you get my drift) pay taxes which goes into the pot for the NHS in which all operations are paid for. But abortion isn't a gender issue, most people that get them have a joint decision with their partner - many men want abortions too.

  4. This question is extremely difficult to answer. There are too many factors involved.

    Any direct answer to your particular question would be at risk of commiting Post Hoc.

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