
Is abortion murder or is it a ... ?

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What do you take abortion for; do you take it as murder or a precautionary measure? Think before you answer this question; If your mother had aborted you, would you have been in existence.




  1. uh oh. you started something contriversial. lol

    but definetly in my opinion is MURDER!!!!

  2. murder........i believe a baby is a person even in the begging of pregnancy and aborting it is taking a life in your own hands and thats not the way it should be.......if you dont want a baby dont have s*x or give it up for adoption

  3. MURDER...

  4. I believe there are certain circumstances that an abortion should be used. If the woman was raped, or if the mother could die before the baby was even old enough to survive. I think abortion is murder considering the baby had fingernails at 8 weeks. Its the womans choice. But there is always the option of adoption.

  5. Just because something has a heart beat doesn't mean it's a person. I believe a person is a person if it is capable of conscious thought.

    basically George Carlin made the best argument i've heard about abortion.  

  6. i say it is a precautionary measure and murder as it is precationary measure as you are unable to raise it or you are not ready for a child but its murder because it is a human being and it has a life like anyone of us !!!!!!!!!! i have 1 abortion and 2 miscarriges !!!!!!!!!

  7. yuppp its murder

  8. I'm pro-choice....that should say enough.

    I was supposed to be aborted. If I was I really don't think I would have cared... because I wouldn't know any better. I wouldn't exist.

  9. no cause u couldnt kill someone with a vacuum and plus it doesnt count because you arnt killing a full person

    if u dont want a baby use a condom in the first place

  10. yes it is murder

  11. No it is killing but not murder,murder is illegal.

    Abortion is the termination of a clump of cells,that's all,there is no baby involved.

    And you wouldn't know that your mother aborted you because you wouldn't be alive.

    I completely support abortions because no one should be forced to give birth and then keeping the baby or giving it up for adoption.

    To the people who say it is murder,do you eat meat?

    If so then you are a hypocrite

    Also protection fails,and someone could have been raped.

    Birth shouldn't be used as a punishment for someones mistake.

    I am so glad abortion is legal cause there was no way I was going to carry some rapists baby when I was only 12.

    Also abortion solves unwanted pregnancy(being pregnant isnt easy)

    Adoption solves unwanted parenting.

    And to me if you are against abortion you are sexist because you think a fetuses life is more valuable than the womans

  12. i believe its someone being selfish for stopping a beating heart just so they can live how they wanna live. If they never wanted a child they coulda not had s*x. And if it was a total mistake they could always have the child and put it up for adoption. So for short it is alot like murder.

  13. Almost all scientists agree that life begins at conception. Google it, this is a fact. They even put it in texts books teaching people about embryos. So if life begins at conception, then it would be murder. The only people that don't want to admit this, are the ones that don't want to admit their own guilt!

  14. I view abortion as murder once that heart starts beating. To cause a human heart to stop beating on purpose to me is murder.  

  15. it is a way or method of avoiding possible (some cases certain) hardship onto already unstable individuals who made a mistake in life.  Instead of the result of an unwanted birth of a child that would prove to be burdensome to the grandparents, foster parents, or county welfare services where they would end up.  Even more so, it would not be fare to the child themselves, to be born into this diseased and dying world with an already steep, uphill battle to make it in this orchestrated chaos that we refer to as society.  Now, do you think the child (%) will grow up to become a productive citizen?  Or how about a rapist, thief, murderer,  or..politician....jk..... the world is already becoming too populated as it is, so we need to slow it down with the reproducing already.  

    Yes, abortion is not a good thing to do, especially if caused by carelessness or stupidity.  But we ALL make mistakes, and one as easy to commit as getting pregnant is not worth the life penalty it could cause someone, in a bad situation or circumstance.  Some people just are not capable or dealing with this big of a responsibility.  So why compound the problem by trying to force someone to try and raise a child and the taxpayers will end up paying the bills.  

    How about if your wife was raped, would you pressure her to give birth to the fetus of a rapist?

    But ahhhhh yes, that's right, your religeon tells you it is a sin.  Punishable by.....whatever the supposed penalty.  Well you live what you read in your book, and let others make the choices they feel are right, even if they are bad sometimes.  Heck, how else would the rest of us learn good life lessons, than to witness other fail...ha ha

  16. Lately,...all I see is poster children for abortions that should have happened 15-20 years ago.

    Reasons?: Growing majority of apathetic uneducated, apathetic about their lack of education, proud of their lack of education, actively seeking to lower standards of public intelligence. With some of these children growing up to only become teenage parents and further strain society, I'd consider it euthanasia is certain circumstances. h**l even the spell checker on this site flagged my response seven times before I was finished due to "creative" spellings of certain words on this site.

  17. yes its murder, why is it at the end of the day we start feeling guilty, if not something wrong.

    surely if we dont ask for forgiveness now whily we still have a chance, we cant have a second chance in heaven

  18. its a choice....i dont think its murder because if it was it wouldnt be legal

  19. I believe its murder because it is life, whether there's a heart beat or not...even in the early stages, its using your heart beat. Plus I heard that the after affects can damage a woman's body mentally years later when she realizes she killed her own baby.

  20. It's murder plain and simple.

    I 100% understand that there are circumstances in which abortion may seem necessary, (incest, rape, etc.) But, that doesn't make it any less of a murderous act.

    ----Abortion does not prevent you from becoming a mother. It makes you a mother to a child that you have killed.----

    This is just a very sensitive subject for me. I just honestly don't see how any person, with a heart, could ever abort their offspring.

    I was married when my daughter was conceived, but when I found out that I was pregnant, I was still terrified.

    But, the first time I felt her tiny feet pushing against my abdomen, I knew that everything would work out. She gives me a reason to live.

    When I gave birth to her, it was indescribable. Her first newborn cry, just melted my heart. The way that she stared up at me when she was layed on my chest. She's my other half.

    My happiness grows everyday that she smiles at me when I walk into the room. As she giggles when I tickle her cheeks.

    And then, as I'm caught up in a moment of bliss with my beautiful baby girl, I think, "Why? Why would anyone even think of murdering such a precious thing? How? How could anyone feel that is their only option?"

  21. I dont know if i would call it murder. I could never do it myself and i'm against it as use of birth control you know people who get pregnant and arent ready or dont want the complications of  a baby.If you dont want a baby then dont have s*x. I do think it is acceptable if your health is in danger or the babys health or in cases of rape. But then again i would rather someone have an abortion then beat or mistreat their baby.  

  22. To me in my opinion it is murder because all you had to do is not have unprotected s*x. that's all it is not that hard for you or your partner to slip on a condom before s*x. so if you weren't ready for the consequences then why have unprotected s*x?

    but if a girl was raped then i would say it is ok to do it because you didn't choose this to happen

  23. If my mom had aborted me then i would not even be knowing nothing about it so that does not even make sense to answer.

    No abortion is not murder. You cannot kill something that is not alive. It is not a baby until it is born living and breathing on its own.

    If someone decided to abort at 8 weeks would the fetus be able to live? No because it is not alive yet.

    Abortion is legal so why even ask?


    I am for abortion for many different reasons and even though i haven't had one if i did want one then i would not care what people think/thought.

    I would have an abortion for the following reasons:

    1)If i were raped

    2)If the fetus had something horribly wrong with it and would only suffer a horrible life.

    3)If my life were in danger and i was told i would die if i followed through with the pregnancy then i would abort because i would not want to leave my son motherless.

    4)If i did not or could not handle another kid.

    It comes down to this:

    My Body

    My Sexuality

    My Uterus

    My v****a

    My Morals

    My Life

    My Choice

    Not Yours

  24. I believe every woman has the right to choose.

    If they didn't there'd be a lot of illegal abortions going on and

    women taking unhealthy precaution's to do so.

    But as an individual and my own choice I would NEVER

    get an abortion, I believe in taking part in s*x you

    should fully understand the consequences. If someone got pregnant and can't afford to keep the baby then there are adoption programs that'll assist them. It's a living organism and

    has the potential to grow and be what you are today. From the minute your are pregnant that baby is alive. Ending the life of a living thing is murder. Now a rape victim it's more understandable, but still if it were me I'd keep the baby because it's still a part of me and had no choice of how it was conceived or whom the father was.

    Those are just my opinions, every women still has the right to choose.

    Mine is not abortion.

  25. If my mother aborted me(she was 16 and her parents wanted her to) I wouldnt be here but I'm glad that she didnt and I'm glad I'm here! I think abortion is murder and just plain selfish if it's done to eliminate a problem or a mistake somebody made. If its a mistake then live with it, and if you think its a problem, its your problem not the kids. If the baby has some kind of life threatening or altering disease, it might be considered but thats up to you. I dont agree that a woman has a right to choose, its their body and mind they are messing up. As far as the person being raped and getting pregnant, yeah thats understandable but I know somebody that was raped and got pregnant and her son turned out great! Nobody should have to turn to somebody that is so mentally and physically damaging

  26. It's murder.

    The baby's heart is beating... we call it alive... we killed a living thing. That is murder.

    The only precautionary measure that should be taken while dealing with a baby is a CONDOM!


    I do agree that there are circumstances when abortion needs to be done;

    like rape, or if the mother could die.

    but those should be the only reasons anyone has an abortion.

  27. Many years ago, women went to back street butchers for abortions and if the right to have one is taken away, they will do it again. Many died from complications. You cant stop it no matter what your opinion is on the subject. If my mother had aborted me, we wouldn't be having this conversation would we? so it is a mute point.

  28. we can't justify that...there is no ethic...the question is is killing a dog a murder. killing a baby a murder. killing an ant a murder. taking away a life that is not even born yet a murder? all these questions can be answered by Law...What is Law? Law is made by religion... what is religion? religion is created by people? who are people? people "is" one person in control. if this person/group/organization/blahblah right? if it supports this idea it will mass media hype the idea if it doesn't support the idea it will say it is wrong and try to teach them at school and stuff. Religion that is supported by this group stays while other religion that are not supported by it quickly becomes myth. Is our action in Iraq the right one? (assuming you are from US) is killing iraq civilians murder? it is the right action to the majority = leader = bush. that is why the war was started in the first place right? so i am guessing killing "iraqi" civilians is the right thing to do...

    sorry i must apologize for my english. I came from another country which has been experiencing war since i was born.

  29. I think that there are circumstances.

    If a young woman got raped, then she should defiantly consider abortion. There could be long term consequences with aborting as well. Like having to live with the fact that you killed a life inside of you. Also, if someone at that age had a baby, the long-term affects on said one's body wouldn't be pretty. I have seen it happen to a family member.

    Another example could be if the person could have the baby and handle adoption. If they can't cope with knowing that another family will be raising their child, and they can't take care of it, then abortion might be the best option for them.

    Another example could be a family of many, who cannot afford to bring another baby into the household. Adoption might also be a choice for this family.

    All in all, I think that it is totally up to the mother, and they should consider all factors when thinking of adoption or abortion.



  30. abortion is a girl stopping herself from raising a child when she doesnt have the time, the money, and/or the maturity to do it.

    also, lets say she was raped and got pregnant. she shouldnt have to keep a child from that who she'd probably end up hating.

  31. Yes, it is murder because the moment a man and a woman had a sexual contact life begins. So life begins as early as soon as there is sexual physical contact. If you are married and you want to prove if this is correct please contact a doctor physician and let him examine your wife. Thanks God bless!

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