
Is abortion really considered murder?

by Guest44680  |  earlier

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Now I'm very supportive of abortion. People came up and said "Abortion is wrong. You're killing an innocent baby". How could it be murder if the child isn't born or have life yet? How could it be?




  1. yes

  2. Not only is it murder, but it is also premeditated.  The choice is made when you have unprotected s*x.  I am definitely pro-choice as I think rape is an offence against women.  That choice is yes or no when you are considering having s*x

  3. My thoughts are this:

    Once the sperm and egg have united it has now created "something".  Therefore you would be killing, regardless of whether you want to believe it is "alive" is not the case as since it was created and formed into something else it is alive and would be murder.

    Also, I do not believe in abortion except under certain circumstances...rape etc.

    Otherwise you did the deed pay the price.

  4. Because it is a living thing that just didn't come into the world yet.

  5. I believe a woman should control her own body but I do not agree with abortion however I do not believe anyone has to right to stop an abortion it is the mothers choice.

  6. Some people believe the fetus/zygote/whatever stage it's in is a human being from the moment the egg and sperm meet. This is why they believe it is murder. I personally disagree with this, but that is why some people consider it murder.

  7. No I'm pro-choice, but other people might think that destroying the possibility of life, is destroying life. I would say the majority of people are pro-choice though, because if they weren't there would be quite a few convicted "Could've been" Mothers.  :)

  8. Only if you are Catholic.

  9. By secular law in my jurisdiction it's not considered "murder."

    By my moral convictions, in most instances, it's repugnant.

    The foetus ('fetus' in American English) is an unborn baby after the 8th week following conception.

    It is my opinion that the destruction of an unborn foetus is not a far cry from the destruction of a 3 day-old neonate.

  10. You are pretty much killing the baby, it would never be having a chance at life. But, that's just my opinion..I am against abortion 100%

  11. Have the baby and let me abopt the child!!! I so serious. My husband and I want a baby so

  12. No, it's not considered murder.  It's considered a personal choice, based upon whether there will be a quality of life for the unborn child.  Even the Dalai Llama agrees that quality of life is more important that quantity of life, and that lives that exist are more important that simply reproducing to add to the overpopulation of the world.  If Christians could read their own Bible, they would understand that for thousands of years live has been considered to begin upon the first breath, and that in Greek, the word for breath/breathe is the same as the word for spirit/soul.

  13. i believe life begins at conception (i am pro- life only when it comes to myself and would never have an abortion) as far as other women go i am pro-choice ....its a womens right to choose!...

  14. In my opinion, yes it is.

  15. Life begins at conception.  Both the egg & sperm are alive before they unite.  When they unite they become the first cell of a living human being.  At no time is the life in it 'turned off', &, then turned on again at birth!

    "There is no one biological event or moment that can be considered the start of a new human embryo".

    For a more scientific explanation / description, this is an excellent source:

    Infertility Treatments: The Choices, the Issues

    - What Do Religious Groups Say?

    - What Are the Issues Involved?

    > What Is a PreEmbrio?

  16. Some people think so.

    But it's based on their personal belief system, not any kind of objective scientific or  legal reasoning.

    I deal with those people by simply stating,  "If you feel abortion is wrong, don't have one."

  17. I dont really know but many people believe this.

  18. I look at it this way. When you're pregnant you say you are having a baby. A baby is a living human being. It has a heart beat, it has fingernails, it has eyes, ears, mouth, nose, etc. Abortion is denying the chance for that life to ever live out all of its days. Its basically just murder at a very very young age. If you dont want a baby, use a condom, use birth control, or dont have s*x. But dont get an abortion. Abortion is murder.

  19. It really depends on what you believe in. Technically they're already alive, but bugs are alive too and it isn't considered murder to kill them since they're not people. Some people believe a fetus is a person, and others don't.

  20. It's not murder at all.  It's the mothers choice, and I am completely fine with it.  Pro-choice.

  21. By the time you figure out you are pregnant then the baby is alive. It may not be fully developed but it is living and breathing.

  22. no its really just a sack of cells...sometimes

  23. Put it this way. If you have an egg all by itself, there is no creation of life. Same goes for the sperm. But put them together and you have creation of life.

    So life is created the moment the 2 combine.

    Its murder.

  24. Delusion. Usually brought about by superstition (religion).

    Unless it can live outside the body, it is no more human than the egg and sperm that it is made up of.  

    The people who say it is murder aren't concerned about the welfare of any possible future being. They are in it for the punishment of the female who dared have s*x for any reason other than procreation.  Strangely enough, they are ok that the male who also committed the "crime" is not similarly punished. He does not risk death or illness or loss of job, home, etc.

    If people actually thought it was murder, they would invest in a transferring method, and use themselves or an artificial womb to create that life so it would not "die"

    The cells that are removed have just much of a future as every egg and sperm. You just don't hear anyone ballsy enough to say those are lives being lost.

    In some countries this is not an issue, because they don't see s*x as a crime.

    Women do know they are pregnant almost from the get go. Some become extremely ill about a week after conception.

  25. it has fingernails. ;)

    i'm pro-choice.

    abortion is better than raising it w/ no love or happiness.

  26. From a very religious point of view... since the cells needed get toghether... it is life... so... doesnt matter if it has 12 hours... it is already a life. So... it is consider as MURDER.

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