
Is about 1/4 teaspoon of sugar per day per guinea pig ok?

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i make these popsiclethings with sugar water and fruit and veggies frozen to keep them cool during the summer is that much sugar per day ok or too much?




  1. suger is okay but they dont need that. veggies do just fine.

  2. I assume guinea pigs have a similar diet as hamsters do.  I have had hamsters for over 30 years, and three things they definitely do not need to eat for it could kill them:  alcohol, chocolate, and caffeine.  My assumption is that alcohol and chocolate are high in sugar-based carbs, and therefore not good for them.  Guinea pigs, from what I can tell, are high-strung little creatures.  Sugar might be a very bad thing for them.  I used to keep a small fan blowing in my hammie's room when my air conditioner broke down.  It kept air flow on him and he was just fine.  It was 100 degrees outside during that time.

  3. no!  the natural sugar in the fruit is plenty.  they don't need extra sugar, especially white sugar.  that's not even good for humans.

  4. No, it is not ok it is way too much sugar.  You don't want to feed too many sugars to guinea pigs for several reasons.  The high sugar content can upset their digestive tract, and the extra calories can lead to obesity.

    To keep my guy cool I freeze bottles of water and then put them in the cage with him.  Once they melt I swap them for a new one.   He likes to lay down next to the bottle and cool down.  I'm going to try offering him some tiles to see if he'll lay down on them to cool off.

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