
Is abstinence outdated?

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Every adult tries to teach their children abstinence. Same with teachers and church groups and blah blah blah. But everyone knows that they didn't wait either so what is the point. Isn't it outdated? Why do people still push for it?




  1. I have been down both paths. My first wife, and I did not wait. We moved in together almost immediately. We got married 5 years later. s*x was routine already. After 19 years our s*x life was about as bland as it could get. Instead of trying to improve things with me, she started openly dating her karate instructor. I let her go. My second my and I waited. We did not sleep together until after we were married. It's all brand new. We have no guilt, and no regrets. It's just fun, intimate, and private. I have had only 2 lovers in my life. I have 3 teenage daughters who are, and have been watching me. There is a difference. In my experience, it matters.

  2. I think abstinence is outdated. The older generation did wait but that was then and this is now. Times have changed. It wasn't something that was discussed alot as it was quite a taboo subject. I bet its the older generation that you know that keep pushing this.

    On the other hand if your really young and people are telling you to wait then don't just dismiss what they are saying. Keep it in mind and don't feel pressured into anything you don't want to do. Its really how you feel. If you want to do it then nobody is going to stop you. Just do it safely.

  3. far as i know i'm waiting until i get married

  4. Yes, the older generation preach that. Does that mean we all should wait too? I'd be in real trouble if that were true. Just make sure his little willie is covered, so you don't have any little willie's running around.  

  5. One of the ways you learn the right way, is by going the wrong way..

    So don't put people down because they followed a certain path...

    abstinence means there is absolutely no way you can get pregnant, or catch an std.... absolutely no way..that's the most powerful statement you can make....

    am i against premarital s*x?  No...but don't be stupid.. and have a plan if something goes wrong......

  6. Not all of us engaged in premarital s*x and for those who did we have more reason than ever to encourage young people to wait.  Look around you at the STD's that are prevalent now that my generation never had to deal with.  Look at the rise in teen pregnancy.  

    Today's young people are forced to become adults much too early only because they make adult decisions years before they are adults.  Why be in such a hurry to grow up?  Once you are an adult you will be so for the rest of your life.  You only have a few years to be a child or teen, enjoy it as long as you can!  

    Get an education, plan for your future, an education is truly the only way you can make a better life for yourself!  Blah, blah, blah... did it ever occur to you that some of these adults are not trying to control you; but, instead trying to honestly help?

    Is abstinence outdated?  Is breathing outdated?  Some things that are good for you never go out of style.

    Good luck and God bless you.

  7. No it isn't. It is just harder. I waited until I was married (24), and I am so glad I did. My reasons were biblical, but I also saw what it did to my friends who didn't wait.

  8. They just want to give the expected answer so they have the appearance of a good role model.

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