
Is abuse a perception??

by  |  earlier

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considering that somethings that bother one person may not bother another




  1. wow. super psychology question. i love it.

    abuse is real.

    i think there are universal signs and symptoms of abuse...but then it gets a little deeper when you think about mental and psychological abuse.

    if u call sum1's abuse. but only sum are truly abused by the comment.

    but it is still abuse....regardless of how much damage is done.

    you see what i mean?

    what do u think?

  2. It is perception.

    I think that is a great question that provokes a lot of thought.

    Some people think "It's not abuse unless it's physical" some people think "It's not abuse, that's just the way this person acts" To some spanking is abuse, to others it's discipline.  Now I would argue that there are some universal forms of abuse that most would agree upon (i.e. sexual abuse, severe physical abuse, abuse to children) but that is a social perception and social standards dictate that severe physcial abuse to children is wrong.  At one point in history, forcing seven year olds to work was a good way to support a family.  Not anymore.

  3. Abuse refers to the use or treatment of something (a person, item, substance, concept, or vocabulary) that is seen as harmful............

    i dont think it is a perception rather it is a physical or mental state.......some people dont get bother of it but in actual they neglect it to avoid altercation or a dispute...

    Abuse occurs when people mistreat or misuse other people, showing no concern for their integrity or innate worth as individuals, and in a manner that degrades their well being.

  4. Yeah, probably. However perception is shaped to a great degree by the collective perception of the culture a person is brought up in. It is also influenced by individual experiences but most people do have this shared idea of what does and does not constitute abuse. This is a good question though because those that know nothing other than what we consider abuse may in fact be unaware that they are being abused. I read a case study about the first feral child that was found. He was raised by, they assumed, animals. He was thought to have been neglected but when they found him he was happy. After they tried to give him what they considered a decent life, bathe him, give him clothes, try to educate him he became miserable. After years of this he was seriously traumatized.

    I think it's interesting idea though. If one can alter their perception could they then alleviate the pain associated with things such are abuse or would that be denial? Reality is tricky.

  5. Abuse is a violation of boundaries. When people have been abused, mistreated and dehumanized, who think that 'abuse' is 'okay,' their apparent denial shows a lack of self-esteem.

    Abuse is when it something a person says or does INTENTIONALLY to negatively affect another person.

    If it's meant to hurt- it's abuse. The person who commits these acts, knows so. They just deny it.

    Do unto others as they would unto you.

  6. no, it's not. how you feel is not negotiable.

  7. To a certain extent.  For instance, a teenager may consider being asked to mow the lawn abuse.  On the other hand, there are acts which are generally accepted by most of society  to be considered abuse, mostly anything which causes great distress by one person or government to another person or people.

  8. Maybe in some instances ... but abuse is also a very real thing .. no perception required .. torture , rape , beating , neglect , etc.

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