
Is accelerated christian eductaion a good program?

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please tell me and why




  1. Its a Ok program, I go there currently. its alot easier then a public school. The only bad thing is you get a ged. not a high school diploma. I started goin there like 3-4 years ago.  

  2. It has a nice workbook format, that is about the only thing I can say about it.

    I found it to be very juvenile, so juvenile that my children were offended.

    It tries so hard to embed religion into all subjects and does a bad job at it.  I found errors in the science portion, I had to reteach and explain to my kids why it was wrong.  (otherwise they would think that potatoes really grew on the stem of the potato plant.)

    I ended up throwing the program out. I have heard adults who were raised on it complain that it taught concepts and then abandoned them so there was not enough reinforcement to solidify the learning.

    I wish I could like it.  The little "pace" workbooks were so neat and easy to organize.  But overall, I found it to be a waste of money, insulting to the kids and flawed in their content.

  3. It depends on the child. It was an awesome program for me because it's a self motivated. Often, when it's used in private schools, students have to get a 90% or better on tests to pass so that you truly learn the material. It also allows unmotivated kids to be lazy. It worked well for me because I was able to take off half my sophomore and my whole junior year of high school and work and then go on to college.

    Now, the material itself - and I was in this program from first grade until graduation - is a little narrow in it's scope - there are things you're just not going to learn about from a world standpoint as it's presented from a narrow world view - but it wasn't anything that caused a problem beyond learning to take notes when I transitioned into higher education.

  4. It depends on many factors. For example, the school reputation, the professor's qualification, and the potential of getting a desirable related job upon graduation.

    Anyways, any accelerated education can only be good when the student really learned from the program, instead of just earning a degree out of it.

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